Monday, February 14, 2011

Party Like it's 1989: Boiler Legacy Likes Matty

One of my favorite childhood memories as a Purdue fan is going to Mackey arena in the late-80s in the midst of a huge ice storm to watch the Three Amigos beat Michigan and clinch the Big Ten title. Todd Mitchell, Troy Lewis, Everett Stephens were fun to watch. Mitchell was mean underneath, Lewis was silky smooth and Stephens had quick hands on defense, a lightning-fast first step and could get off the floor in a hurry.

Much like Lil' Boilerdowd has been a Purdue fan since he was old enough to sit up in front of the TV, high school sophomore Kendall Stephens can probably say the same...and I'm glad this one doesn't look like he wants to go anywhere but God's country.

From the video, he seems to be more of a shooter than Dad. He's built a lot like Anthony Johnson at this point, but has a few years to gain a little weight...but, if genetics have much to say about it, he might be fighting an uphill battle. No matter, like his Dad, he's a player.

He was visiting Bruce Weber the other night when one of his other suitors, our Boilers, were in town...I guess he saw in Champaign, what we all saw when we took our days on campus. It's a few years away, but it sounds like Purdue is where he wants to be.


CalTravelGuy said...

First, this makes me feel old... But, It also is exciting. With all due respect to Coach Keady, I though Everett Stephens wasn't developed to his full potential. He was pretty much Keady's first pure athlete. Painter will develop his son and he should be a star if he comes to Purdue. He's got a nice looking jump shot. It's great for the program to get kids like this... kids who have some sense of history for the future but the skills we need for the future.

Plang said...

This is a good get.

A talented yet modest young man that knows he has a lot more developing to do. I'm looking forward to seeing how his class develops.

J Money said...

Embedding video is HARD!!!!

paulo said...

Anybody else notice Kendall wears his dad's old number (21)? He is a very smooth player like his dad, I did not see much of the hops, though. Hope he has that, too.