Sunday, February 20, 2011

Purdue Caps Massive Week (Another Look)

I told J that he stole a bit of my thunder with his quick post following the game. In his quick, impassioned post, he hit on much of what I wanted to say. So I'm going to add some depth to what was seen on TV today and what we've witnessed in the last seven days.

You have to go back to 1992 to come up with the last time Purdue beat a top-5 team at Mackey. So today's contest alone makes this week noteworthy. But, we also saw two top-50 players verbal to Matty this week and The Forces of Good beat the tenth-ranked Badgers. I can't remember a better seven days as a Purdue fan. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say we haven't seen the best seven days we'll see from this team, this year.

I arrived at Mackey with 19 minutes remaining until tip-off. I had a good feeling about this one for about three days...and the fact that the Paint Crew was already full to the rafters with that much time left before the game gave me further confidence. When that bunch is resolved to get in a team's head, they simply do it. Not just the students, but the entire Mackey crowd was great today- deafeningly-loud, amazingly-consistent and passionate.

When I think about the best atmospheres at Mackey that I remember well, three games come to mind right away- 1989 v. Michigan, 1994 v. IU and 2009 v. Michigan. Today's crowd and overall mood in the building rivals, if not beats those games...and we may not know the longview of what that crowd did for a few years.

It was a huge recruiting day. Painter had between 15 and 20 recruits on campus...many of those 4-star or higher. Purdue still needs to complete the already-formidable class of '13 with one more piece...A good candidate for that slot, Alex Foster, was in attendance. The class of '12 is solid, but Painter is looking for its final piece as well. There were many candidates for that might become that guy...and I'm positive the support our Boilers received today made a statement to them.

I got to see former Boiler great, Everette Stephens and his son, recent verbal, Kendall Stephens walking off of Keady Court together. Both seemed happy to have been up close for the game...and in person, I figured out something that I had been trying to put my finger on for months- Who the younger Stephens looks like. Let's just say his new nickname is Kendall 'The Kid' least for me.

Alright, onto today's contest.

First, let's give credit where it's due: aOSU is a great team and Sullinger, while not prototypical by any means, is a force of nature. This team didn't trip into 25 wins...they didn't accidentally kick the crap out of Purdue in Columbus. Their starting five is one of the best, if not the best in the nation. But, they have flaws...and here are a couple of things that I noticed today.

First, they flop...a lot. If it's not Craft diving like a FIFA Italy player, it's Sullinger over-reacting to contact underneath. On top of that, Matta and his pups chew on the officials incessantly...and you know what- it seems to work. Craft literally rode Purdue guards down the court as they brought the ball up, yet only ended the game with three fouls. And Sullinger, in spite of his imposing girth is protected from big bad defenders as if he was made of the finest china. Oh yeah, and the hook he throws is real...and it's fantastic. But the refs don't seem to mind it, or even notice it really.

Next, and we all knew this, Matta's rotation gets tighter and tighter as the game does the same. This isn't a good thing for them, in my opinion in the long run...and Purdue exposed that. The Buckeyes looked tired in the closing minutes and the fact that they had four players who played 30+ minutes had a lot to do with that.

The game was a pretty interesting chess match though. Painter clearly wanted to throw some big bodies at Sullinger and Lauderdale and understood that Purdue could play aggressively without getting individuals into trouble. We saw Carroll, Bade and even Marcius all contribute to an odd opening stanza that had 8 different Purdue players commit their first 8 fouls.
Matty used his substitutions well. Specifically, he pulled Moore for a brief two minutes in the first half that seemed like about 5 minutes due to timeouts. After the respit, Smooge's 4 points turned quickly to 11 then 19 before the first half was over. In the second half, he picked up where he left off as he impersonated an And1 mixtape player with ball handling I've never seen from him followed by yet another three pointer. 38 points, 4 rebounds, 5 assists & 2 steals is good...if you're into that sort of thing. And the crazy thing is his career best game could have been better had he not missed a few free throws.
And speaking of missing shots, Matty's All-American candidate did that more than usual. He drew a lot of contact and had a ton of different defenders/defensive styles over the 40 minutes of the game thrown at him...and as a result, seemed off. He missed a couple of free throws, one badly, and only shot 40% from the field. Even more odd though, he only took 10 shots. His 13 point, 6 rebound, 2 block game was by no means awful...but wasn't normal either. He wisely deferred to the hot hand (33) as Painter and Co. made sure every possession filtered through Moore.

And although Purdue surpassed its magic number of 70 easily, the offense sputtered and gasped for a long stretch in the second half. Purdue had five-straight possessions in which it couldn't get points on the board. At the same time, aOSU was struggling on the other end...but had Purdue been able to play less-sloppy, this one might have been over at about the 7 minute mark.

LewJack didn't fill up the stat sheet as he did the previous game, but he didn't really fall flat either (9pts, 2reb, 2ast), as he has a few other times this season following a big game. But he does things in traffic that simply don't look like they should be physically-possible as he finds space while defenses struggle to stay with Moore and Johnson. His counterpart, Barlow, played an efficient game scoring 8 points on 4/6 shooting in just 19 minutes. Plus he seemed angry each time he had to leave the court- I don't really blame him for this fact, I love a guy that wants to be out there all the time.

Smith didn't shoot the ball well, but his defense more than made up for it. He clogged the lane on a few double teams, made life difficult for Diebler and was a general nuisance for the Buckeyes. That might be part of the reason he was 0/3 from the field...but scoring wasn't needed today.

Travis Carroll took advantage of the fact that Matta had no respect for him and scored 4 points in just 7 minutes of action. DJ Byrd scrapped and clawed his way to 5 reb, 4 asst and only 2 points...but missed a few good looks.

Terone Johnson didn't have a ton of opportunities to contribute offensively, but played good defense and kind of got into it a bit with Sullinger...which I liked a lot. Both he and Barlow's edge and attitude will be contagious next season...if not this year in the tourney this year.

Last game between these two, Matta got the best of Matty...that wasn't the case this time. Painter had a great game plan on both ends of the court, made great adjustments at halftime and had his squad dialed in. Even CBS' Gary Parrish has succumbed to the awe-inspiring power of Coach Matt Painter...Now, can Matty get in the conversation for COY??

Classic Trap Set
After a tremendously-productive week, Purdue heads into Ass. Hall to face the limping Hoosiers. This game has bothered me since before the season...and now our Boilers are in precisely the situation I thought they'd be in:

They're closing out a very good season, maybe starting to peek toward the light at the end of the tunnel and coming off of a few great wins.

IU, conversely is looking like a team that will be playing its post-season ball at the HPER instead of off campus and comes into the game on a steamy, rancid four-game losing streak.

This is their NCAA tournament...they'll be very motivated. The Forehead wants to walk the concourses of Ass. Hall one more time, kiss his wife and kids, thank the media and make one more game into a much-bigger deal than it really is. Purdue had better be ready for all the stops to be pulled. I hope my trepidation is off-base.

Purdue heads to the land of dusty banners, striped pants and spastic coaches on Wednesday at'll be televised on BTN.


BoilerPaulie said...

Relish the win, for now. On Wednesday, it's war again!

Boiler up!

DavidS said...

I think the collective nervousness about the game on Wednesday from all of us probably means that Matty and the boys feel it too. I think this is a good thing, as they will be back to work today with the past week in the rear-view mirror. I think it is almost better we play IU rather than someone like Northwestern or Iowa, as they might get overlooked, but we know we will get IU's very best effort and I think we'll be ready.

Purdue Matt said...

I also found it amazing how much OSU whined on EVERY call. And anytime there is contact down low Sullinger acts like he got hit in the face. The media is in love with him, but I think he acts like a jackass out there.

I share your feelings about the IU game. I was more worried about that one that the OSU game.

dozer8589 said...

My favorite moment? Late in the second half, the CBS crew was still dry-humping Craft for his tenacious defense (aOSU was down 7 at this point), while LewJack was driving past him for an easy layup.


I'm nervous about Wednesday too. A road game against a weaker version of a hated rival after two HUGE wins? If Coach Painter is COY, this is the time to show it. This game rests squarely on his shoulders to keep the team hungry and aggressive.


Bloomington.Boiler said...

I will be right behind the Purdue bench Wednesday... we better show up Moore than we did last year... I don't even want a close game.

Justin said...

I've been nervous as well about Wed. but probably only b/c last year's game there was close. I really don't think we have anything to worry about with the way we are currently playing plus it will be the last time Smooge and JJ play the hated rival. I'm predicting a big game from Barlow.

I'm so glad we got TJohn instead of Deshaun Thomas. Thomas will probably go to the NBA after the year because his style of play fits in there and his body is ready.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed on hearing a report very soon that Foster has chosen the Boilers. You said in the blog that the '12 class still needs one more but I thought it was full. Am I missing something?

SJD said...

Justin- I've read two potential Boilers say they were told Purdue has a schollie available...It might just be they have one available for the right guy. I'm not sure.

I'm positive there's room for Harris.

Andrew @ Lightning For Fools said...

Did anyone else hear the announcers late in the game talking about how there are no great teams this year? Three weeks ago when OSU, Kansas, Texas, and Pitt were rolling all they were talking about is how great the elite teams are this year. It drives me nuts that when upsets happen, the first thing the media does is devalue the win by saying the talent at the top this year is not that good. Same can be said when upsets happen in the tournament. The media loves the tournament because it lets the games decide who the best team is, except when the favorites get knocked out. Like last year, when a mid major came an inch from winning a NC, the media was saying that even though the championship was Duke v Butler, the two best teams were really Kansas and Syracuse. Needed to get that out. OK, now back to the topic at hand.

Like most of you, I am a bit nervous about a let down coming off of a huge week. What helps though, is that our boys and coach genuinely hate IU as much as us fans and because of this I think they will be ready.

Speaking of Ohio State whining. I was at the Milwaukee regional last year and I have never seen someone whine as much as Evan Turner. We were in the Pitt section which was pretty neutral toward OSU and excited to see the POY live. However, the whining got so obnoxious that by half time, people in our section were yelling at ET to shut up.

Chad said...

Pretty decent crow eating article by the tanning bed wonder over at cbssportsline:

SJD said...

Agreed Chad- BS gave him props via Twitter.

Unlike so many of his counterparts, he's at least willing to admit he was wrong.

Justin said...

what a bunch of shit. today seth davis used his AP vote to rank us 10th. he has ND and Gtown ahead of us. he also lied on national TV. he said after the Purdue game that he would be using his vote to rank Duke #1. he actually voted Pitt #1.

Anonymous said...

The last thing we need to do now is head to Bloomington with big heads and over estimate a rivalry game. Lets trust Matty can hammer that message home, and the Boilers pay attention(or already know it).

To lose TWO huge games is great, but lets not blow it against the worst in the league.

DavidS said...

Okay we all know Seth Davis has said some pretty dumb stuff, and has been less than complimentary about our two All-Americans, but as I mentioned in another comments post, he hasn't been that bad in ranking us. He never dropped us out of his poll. The worst ranking of the year relative to the actual poll was when we were 11th and he ranked us 18th. As far as GU and ND, let's play compare the resumes.

Team A: 22-5, RPI 7, SOS 13
vs RPI top 25: 2-3
vs RPI top 50: 6-4
best win: RPI 4 (Home)
worst loss: RPI 63 (Neutral)

Team B: 21-5, RPI 10, SOS 28
vs RPI top 25: 6-4
vs RPI top 50: 8-4
best win: RPI 5 (Home)
worst loss: RPI 68 (Away)

Team C: 21-6, RPI 5, SOS 3
vs RPI top 25: 5-5
vs RPI top 50: 8-6
best win: RPI 12 (Home)
worst loss: RPI 30 (Away)

Which team has the best resume? I would argue that none really stands out as far better than one of the others. If anything, the only 2 top 25 wins for team A seems less impressive than the others, although they have had fewer opportunites. Team A is our Boilers, Team B is ND, and Team C is GU. I don't think we can bitch about Davis ranking either of them ahead of Purdue when comparing their overall resumes. They are all solid squads. It's not like he ranked Syracuse or Missouri or Kentucky over us. Just two other really good teams with similar resumes.

QuadBoiler said...

David - The problem with ranking those teams ahead of us is that all year the voters vote based on who won and who lost that specific week. Yes, records, rpi, and wins against other ranked opponents comes into play, but when things are as close as you just pointed out with those statistics and Team A just beat 2 top 10 teams while teams B and C both lost there is no way they should stay ahead. Overall is it that big of a deal? Not really, we're still ranked 8 overall in the polls so it didn't hurt us, I just don't like the double standards.

Unknown said...

Rankings don't mean SQUAT. How can San Diego State and BYU be so highly ranked by all polls AND, especially RPI? From a complete DUD conference?

I discount it all. Continued success will be rewarded. Keady used to get rotten NCAA placements until he built a reputation, and then Purdue finally received it's due with several #1 and 2 seeds. It's coming.

DavidS said...

The thing is that we don't know what each voter values. Most just drop teams because they most recently lost (which is stupid) and rank Duke number one even though they have losses to Florida State and St. John's and their best win is over UNC. That's why I think 35 people need to have their AP voting rights revoked. I was just saying it is not ridiculous for Davis to have GU and ND ranked ahead of us.

As John said, rankings don't mean squat. The committee doesn't care about them. This is an interesting article from CBS' Matt Norlander including us as one of 8 teams in the running for a #1 seed. Man that would be sweet.

QuadBoiler said...

Actually rankings have a lot to do with the way the committee goes about seeding come tourney time so I wouldn't be so quick to discount that part of it.

SDSU and BYU are highly ranked and have top 5 RPIs because they have lost a combined 3 games. Weak conference or not, wins and losses are a big part of the RPI.

In the end, I'm not really worried about the other teams. If we take care of business we will get a 2 seed. For all I care the committee can give both SDSU and BYU a 1 seed and we can watch them go down early once they start playing some real competition.

BoilerPaulie said...

To add to QuadBoiler, not only do they only have 3 combined losses, but SDSU's only loss is to that other team with only 2 losses. They feed off each other in that regard. If they both had a loss to an RPI 100-150, they'd have trouble breaking through the top 40 or so.

DavidS said...

QuadBoiler - rankings matter, but it is really only the RPI, not the human polls. This is discussed in a recent article by Andy Staples of who participated in a mock bracket selectrion process for the media. Here is the link:

He says "The exercise also exposed one potential flaw in the process. The committee relies entirely too much on the RPI in the room."

While he does say that they have access to other rankings such as the polls and kenpom and sagarin, almost everything is RPI based.

And in another article by our friend Seth Davis about the same mock bracket process, he says that he ranked Texas #1 in his AP poll, but argued that Pitt should be the overall #1 seed in the tournament because they have a better resume. He said that Texas was the best in his eye test, which is why they were #1 in his ballot, but Pitt had the more impressive resume. So while they may see the polls, the bracketing process is much more dependent on the RPI.

Here is the link to Davis' article:

QuadBoiler said...

Ok, so RPI is more important than rank or any other stat for that matter for the committee...doesn't mean it isn't squat. My whole point in bringing this up originally was that we continue to be devalued by certain media members which could come back to bite us in March. I'm not saying RPI is more or less important than ranking, though clearly it is more important.

Let me put it this way, the "eye test" is becoming more and more a big part of seeding in the tourney (see BYU, SDSU, Pitt, and Texas in the mock selection)and if we are eye tested and the committee members pull a Seth (consider us lower than where we sit in rankings or RPI), we will end up with a lower seed than we deserve. In other words, Seth Davis's specific rankings are just the tip of the ice berg.

Again, I would like to stress that this is all a moot point if we handle our business from now until selection.

DavidS said...

The thing is though that the media doesn't do the seeding. The committee does. So whatever opinion Seth Davis has about our Boilers essentially doesn't matter. There is no data behind the polls, just opinion, which is why the RPI is the main tool used in the seeding process. BYU, SDSU, Texas, and Pitt were give good seeds because they have strong RPI rankings (the bracket was before Pitt and Texas lost last weekend). SDSU and BYU are actually 2nd and 3rd in the RPI right now. What is good about the committee is that they don't just go by the RPI ranking, they then look at quality wins, road record, SOS, etc to put the field in place.

I'm just saying that the human polls aren't going to determine what seed we get. The committee will give us what we deserve.

SJD said...

David- do you think the people that seed the tournament are sequestered? You honestly believe what the media says doesn't play in their minds? And you think the things they read (polls, articles, etc.), don't have an effect?

While there may not be a quantitative measurement for how much opinion or the human factor plays into the equation, it must be recognized that it's an important part. If not, they'd simply find a computer ranking, go down the list in numeric order, enter them in a computer and have the humans place them in regions.

This time of year, media coverage matters...and national stories, national personalities and the loudest bullhorns have an effect on those people in the selection room...whether you want to admit it or not.

Purdue did not get what they deserved two years ago, by the (at the time) measure of one of the main criteria- how you finished the season. Remember, Purdue had just won the BTT, and the committee said that game didn't effect Purdue's position either way, in spite of the fact that the win over aOSU was versus a ranked opponent and on a neutral court.

Compare and contrast that with how harshly the committee took into account Purdue's debacle v. Minnesota, discounting what had happened the 10 days leading up to that game.

There is emotion and a large human factor in this equation...Just to say Purdue will get what it deserves is not only flawed, it ignores the human error that occurs each season by the committee.

QuadBoiler said...

My comment about BYU, SDSU, Pitt, and Texas, was that at the time the mock seeding was done BYU was 2 and SDSU 3 in RPI with Pitt 7 and Texas 8 (BYU and SDSU have since switched places and Pitt has dropped to 9) which, despite the RPI, was flipped when they were seeding because of the eye test and probably SOS.

I realize the media doesn't do the seeding which is why I said IF the committee members do a similar thing as Seth we will be given a lower seed than we deserve. I tend to disagree with you that the committee will give us what we deserve since I feel like they fail to do that for teams a lot, but that's just my opinion.

DavidS said...

Haha...this is good discussion we have going. I will admit that the committee does not sit in a bubble all season and then get handed RPI rankings a few days before Selection Sunday. I just think that once they are assembled, the human polls are the last thing they use as support for seeding teams. If they come in with their own opinions that are due to the polls then yeah, it may affect their seeding somewhat. There is just so much discussion that goes on in those five or so days that I think they really do a pretty good job every year.

Ryan - As far as the 2009 season, Purdue had a 25-9 record going into the tourney. That was more losses than any of 4 seeds that year and I'm not going to go back and look up quality wins and record vs top 50 and all that. It sucked that we had to go out west, but it was probably about the right seed, especially watching what UConn did to us.

Last year, it wasn't the Minnesota debacle that was completely responsible for the drop. It was because #4 wasn't on the court. The committee had to judge what this team was in the few games it played without Rob. If you watched the games we played against decent teams before the tourney (MSU and Minnesota) did we look better than a 4 seed?

QuadBoiler - sorry I misunderstood your point about those teams. You are correct that they devalued BYU and SDSU because they didn't have quality wins, but like Pitt and Texas, Purdue has them. Also, if the committee doesn't give a lot of teams what they deserve, then a lot get what they don't deserve, right? Why can't that be us? Haha!

And now a joke to lighten the mood:
Q: How many IU fans does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Five. One to change it and four to reminisce about how good the old one was.

QuadBoiler said...

Haha, good one. Thanks for the discussion, I enjoy talking about this kind of stuff. I have no problems with people having a different view of the situation than myself.

BoilerPaulie said...

:) light bulb joke