Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Football Notes

We all saw a potential weakness at D-End in the wake of Kerrigan's departure...even for the deepest programs (which Purdue isn't), it's tough to replace a unanimous All-American. But, with Gooden's spring injury, the position has gotten even more thin. Emanuel and Hope have moved Justin Kitchens from the inside to end to see how he looks out there and the reports are good. But even more interesting is that they've been running some 3-4. With the personnel and the glut of talent at LB, this might make some sense. That said, I think I'd just prefer to see Higgs move up and put his hand in the dirt- he seems like an excellent fit...but it hasn't happened yet.

Maci, Mebane, Isaac, Frazier and Phillips will probably all be in the discussion. What? You don't recognize many (any) of the names in the group? You're not the only one. But, rather than overhauling the defense, someone will probably find their way into the 4-3. Maci is a poor man's Kerrigan- he doesn't have the strength or talent that 94 had, but his motor is similar. You'd probably know him from Special Teams play as much as anything else. Mebane played in spots last season. He looked very lean for the position...that's probably changed a bit. Isaac, Frazier and Phillips are all newcomers. Phillips was recruited as a LB, but has very good size to be moved forward.
This was talked about in the comments a few days ago- Former Merriville QB, Dolapo McCarthy has landed at Purdue. Out of high school, he attended a military prep school...and said it wasn't a good fit- not on the field or off. He now considers it a dream come true to be on campus. If nothing else, he should be motivated to do big things.

Sadly for him, Purdue has Marve (R-Sr), TerBush (Jr), Henry (R-So) and Robinson (So) all in front of him. I never saw the kid play, but he made the KHC board buzz a few years ago. There was a period in which McCarthy had interest from Iowa, aOSU and FSU...but things all cooled a bit as his Senior year progressed. He finished with a low completion rate (43%), 1,800 yards passing, 10 passing TDs and 10 rushing TDs.

Hopefully he's willing to contribute where ever he can. I tried to find a video of him, and can't find anything. What I do find is that he's got great size (6'5") OK speed (4.58) and his scouting report says he throws a good deep ball, can escape pressure, but struggles with consistent accuracy. Does anyone else see another DE candidate who might be able to play right away? You never know. But what we do know is that if McCarthy is flexible, works hard and willing to move, he should be able make an impact somewhere...even if special teams, this season.

Lying with Fleas
I know, Jim Tressel is a snazzy dresser, wears glasses and seems like a control freak. So it's very hard to believe he'd actually lie to the NCAA about potential violations. Well, there's proof that he did. aOSU stepped up BIG by slapping a whopping two-game ban on the uber-successful head coach in hopes that the threat of investigation would quietly go away...and it still might. Let's not forget that a few years ago when Mo Clarett and Troy Smith received improper benefits from boosters, Tressel knew nothing of that. It's a damned good thing Clarett and Andy Geiger were the only people that had really done anything wrong...ammiright??

The point is nothing sticks to the vest, so as an opposing fan, you shouldn't get your hopes up for the NCAA to do anything of substance. Sure, there's "proof" of Tressel intentionally "lying" to a ton of people about this. But remember, he wears a tie on the sideline...that's gotta be worth something in the eyes of the NCAA.

He's nothing like Bruce Pearl, Kelvin Sampson or Lane Kiffin. THOSE rubes wear wind breakers, visors and sweaty, tacky, ill-fitting suit coats.

Granted, when IU fans heard that their AD had hired Sampson, they reassured us that all of his insurrections were behind him. Then when leaks came out about what had happened, they said these were just minor infractions...nothing to be alarmed by- he was their guy. NOW, things are different. Both he and Greenspan are Satan incarnate...and they're the only reasons IU can't win today. Perspective is a funny thing.

In Columbus, you have a waaaaaaaay different situation. The rumors that followed the vest from YSU are just proof that Coach Tress knew anything. And unlike Sampson who intentionally lied to the NCAA about his phone addiction, Tressel merely didn't tell anyone what he knew, in order to protect his players. See, good dude...and aOSU fans couldn't agree more.

I really think this quote from Bucknut fan, Matt Jeffers says it all: "Get a couple of wins, and it'll be alright."

Indeed Matt.

The only thing I'm worried about at this point is how angry the NCAA really is about being the victim of this well-intentioned, completely-amicable cover-up. If they're pissed and humiliated, Bowling Green, Cincinnati, Toledo and other near-by schools need to watch their backs and make sure they're staying clean. Nothing makes a statement to the nation about the resolve of the super-consistent NCAA like slapping some sanctions on a poorer, less-important, less-popular, but equally-guilty institution.

Watch your back, Frank Solich...the NCAA is watching you!!


DavidS said...

Tressell: "I don't think less of myself at this moment."

Wow. Does that mean you have always been a liar, or is this statement also a lie? Who knows?!?!

Patrick said...

The Almighty Tressel. He can do no wrong.

By the way, great info on spring football. I agree in that I think we'll have a 4-3 come this fall. The d-line over the past 10-15 years has been our bread and butter. It seems like someone always steps up, whether at DE or DT. Despite the perceived talent at LB, it seems like they always come up short, as unit, despite the individual talent we have had in that position. Hopefully that changes this year.

boilerdowd said...

Don't forget Patrick- new DC, new LB coach...could be good, could be bad. We'll see, but I like Emanuel.

Georiga Boiler said...

How convenient that OSU suspended Tressel for games against Akron and Toledo but would return just in time for the Miami game. Does the OSU administration really feel like they are fooling anyone? If the NCAA does not suspend him for AT LEAST 5 games then it is a joke. Well, more of a joke.

Shawn said...

aOSU "President" Gordon Gee upon being asked if he ever considered dismissing Tressel :"Are you kidding? I'm just hopeful the coach doesn't dismiss me. His integrity and the body of his work is quite remarkable."

As if there was any question what department runs the circus in C-bus.

Also, word verification of the day: creepo. Even Blooger knows what's up.

Michael R. said...

I love this analogy of Jim Tressel = Warden Samuel Norton of Shawshank Redemption.

ATL_Boilers said...

Two things on the suspension... for a head football coach, how much does being suspended for the GAME really even matter? Doesn't he do most of his work in the week leading up to the game? I don't remember if he calls any of the O/D plays but they should make it a 2-week suspension (I don't know/never saw how Pearl's was handled but it seems like a basketball coach is a little more hands on with decision making during the actual game - compared to a Div. I head football coach).

If you guys have a second, you should look around for the actual emails (I have it in a .pdf file that I can send to you) between the 'lawyer' and Tressel. The letters are vague, at best, about the confidence of the investigation needing to be preserved - they seemed more to me about covering up the issue. Read for yourselves though and decide.

Until the whole truth comes up, O$U fans, keep polishing all those BT/NT rings you have... they're looking a little tarnished from here.

zlionsfan said...

I guess we have to admit that OSU fans are right: they really can hang with the SEC.

Not in the area we thought they were talking about, at least.

I like to think that because the one the thing NCAA really hates is lying (they obviously don't do much about enforcement except when small schools are involved), this time, Sweatervest and O$U will get busted for real, but again, it's the NCAA. At most, it'll just be some form of "Well, those wins don't count, and you're grounded, so don't do it again."

Unknown said...

Didn't Dez Bryant just get suspended for a whole season for lying about having dinner with someone? Now a guy lied about knowing his players were selling stuff, so lying about violations to cover it up. I am thinking the NCAA will add some to this. Although this OSU makes way more money than the OSU out west.

BoilerPaulie said...

Makes you wonder if the NCAA is ever willing to hand out the "death penalty" again to a school that is anything more than insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Thanks, O$U, for bringing a massive black mark on the Big Ten. Not like I never hated you before though.

J Money said...

Paulie - the ncaa will never impose the "death penalty" again. Does too much collateral damage.

If OSU cares AT ALL about integrity, The Vest should be fired. They should also lose schollies, vacate wins and have a bowl ban.

But none of that will happen.

BoilerPaulie said...

Yeah, I know that's been said, and it makes sense, but the past several years' worth of enforcement don't really seem to have done much at all to deter violations.

They should vacate their bowl money and ticket revenue from every Jim Tressel season to the rest of the Big Ten too :)

Something tells me we'd have enough to expand Ross-Ade when the stands got full enough if they did that...

File under "things that will never happen, nor necessarily should."

BWAlaska said...

I never heard him actually apologize. That's when whatever sliver of hope I had went away. Fuck Jim Tressel.

Josh said...

The Warden from Shawshank comparison made me laugh, I have to admit.

I'm not surprised about aOSU. If anyone gets the chance, watch the Pony Excess ESPN 30 for 30 did. Dickerson made a comment that stuck with me, "Show me a program that is winning and I'll show you a cheater."

Short of athletes smuggling/selling drugs in mass quantities and conducting Guevera-style machete raids on campuses, the NCAA does NOTHING nowadays to deter cheating and upholding integrity. It's back to the idiotic "too big to fail" argument. In the NCAA's eyes, why slay a golden goose? A few appeasing, do-nothing "penalties" give enough for them to trumpet as a big deal, when all it amounts to is less than a hill of beans.

Will it impact them from an integrity standpoint? I doubt it. The spin will be put on it to show Teflon-Tressel was "a man about it and confessed and accepted the punishment handed down." They'll play it for all its worth and the talking heads will slice and dice it until it's old news and is forgotten in our Twitter-tention culture. No harm done and the NCAA still gets cash and aOSU still gets to crank out the wins and the fanbase gets to ego-stroke themselves to infinity until another SEC team smacks them down with the 18 convicted felons on their roster because their booster has deeper pockets. Ho-hum.

I'll take my 5-7 years over selling my soul if that is the alternative.

Just my two pennies.

Keep up the good work, guys. BOILER UP!