Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seth Davis Continues To Be Bad At His Job

I know there are times when we spend an inordinate amount of time bitching about how much media members suck. However, there are other times when there's really no way to properly sum it up. These guys get paid to watching fricking basketball. And to be so-called experts on the subject. We all have jobs or are going to school, etc. These guys? Paid to watch basketball. To sit in a studio or in a press box and watch basketball. That's their damn job.

On the Sunday night studio wrap-up show, I thought I heard Seth Davis say that VCU was in the A-10. The problem was I was watching on a TV without a DVR and thus was unable to back it up. I thought to myself, "Self, no you couldn't have heard that." He can't be that clueless. He must have producers at CBS who catch these things.

But then Seth went on Dan Patrick's show on Tuesday morning. And said it again.

No, Seth. No. VCU -- the team Shaka Smart coaches -- is in the Colonial Athletic Association, or CAA if you can't remember big words like that.

Seriously, did I misunderstand something here? Please correct me if I am wrong.


BoilerPaulie said...

Wow. Even this is beyond how retarded I thought he was. I stand corrected. He's a complete buffoon.

Just when I was beginning to think he had a limit to his retardation....

BoilerNick said...

Guys, do you think that just maybe you're overreacting to this? Maybe just a bit?

MrAnonymous said...

Well, overreaching is the BS trademark BoilerNick.

Ross McLochness said...

Could he be thinking of Richmond? Weren't they in the CAA but jumped to A-10?

zlionsfan said...

Yes, Richmond left the CAA for the A-10 (ironically, when Beilein was their head coach). Davis could certainly be making that mistake ... but I think the general point is that there are a lot of people who either know this stuff or can look it up and confirm it easily, and Davis apparently isn't one of them, and CBS keeps him on the job anyway. (Given the lack of talent on last week's telecasts, one might understand his continued presence: not that CBS and Turner necessarily draw from the same talent pool, but whatever pool it was is almost certainly drained.)

I believe there was at least one other error like that during the second-round games (the actual second round, that is, the round of 32). Can't say what it was, because I caught it in passing and corrected it to myself and the two others watching with me. I can understand that a little bit - I'd imagine it's hard to avoid making mistakes for 90 minutes on live TV - but someone should be correcting them somewhere.

Especially for "experts". The A-10 and CAA are relatively high-profile conferences among the mid-majors ... it's not like we're talking about the Great West.

J Money said...

Really, Anon? Overreacting is our trademark? You mean like when people are putting forth bogus stories about Barlow and Smith, among others, and we jumped right on it and freaked out?

Oh, no, wait...that's not what happened.

Stuff it.

Mark said...

Cuonzo Martin: Great coach. Great Recruiter. Great personality. Classy, yet fiery.

Sorry, I like Matt, but if he can't get this team to the Elite Eight, that's pretty sad. If he were to leave, I think we could easily UPGRADE.