Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's Al Gore's World and We're Just Living In It

There are lots of reasons we all like sports. The brilliance of Charlie Weis, the honesty of Nick Saban, the pout of Tyler Hansbrough after he gets cracked in the chops. All good reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is that we can often escape from whatever else is going on in the world. After 9/11, many people couldn't wait to enjoy sports again, as it signaled at least some return to normalcy.

Two days ago, my Sports Illustrated arrived and I had to do a double-take. SI has a cover story on global effing warming and how it's affecting sports? Really?

I knew Al Gore and his questionably scientific methods had infiltrated Hollyweird, but I guess I didn't realize it had seeped into the sports world as well. There is plenty of research (some of it even in easy-to-read books) detailing that global warming, at the very least, is not the Earth-ending epidemic that Gore and his liberal buddies would have you believe.

I suppose we should thank him for the fact that you're reading this, though. You know, Internet and all.


Purdue Matt said...

Global Warming is a joke.

Something for liberals to hang their hat on.

Purdue Matt said...

Sports Illustrated is own by CNN. Enough said.

J Money said...

I know but STILL... it's effing Sports Illustrated. Not Environmentalist Weekly.

The Rascal said...

Al Gore never claimed to have invented the Internet. Check this:

Oh, and Purdue Matt needs to know that CNN does not own S.I. Rather, they're both owned by Time Warner. One guesses that Purdue Matt gets all his news from Fox and Limbaugh. Figures.

J Money said...

Rascal -

1) linking to your own blog as some kind of definiitve "evidence" of something? Solid.

2) From your own story: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet," Gore said.

Taking initiative in "creating" the Internet and supporting the concept of such a system are ENTIRELY different things. I have no doubt he thought it sounded like a grand idea and supported it strongly, just as many others did (on both sides of the aisle). But to use a word like "creating" is a bit much and THAT'S what everyone gets hung up on.

3) Also from your post: Years later, when Gore was vice president, computer scientist Vinton Cerf, widely known as the Father of the Internet, had this to say:

"I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president."

Wow, you're kidding? Someone sucked up to the then-VP?? No way! That's SO credible! You're right!

Fact is, Al wanted more credit than he was due and his choice of wording blew up in his face.

Sure, he supported it. I support solving world hunger...but if starving African nations eventually begin to be as fat as us Americans, I won't be going around saying I "created" that situation. Follow?

boilerdowd said...

For human beings to claim to have control over climatic change is not only beyond absurd, it's extremely arrogant. The earth cools and warms, climate patterns change and Al Gore and the Rascal can't stop it no matter how much they'd like to.

Here's a fact, Mount Penatubo's eruption of 1991 dumped more pollutants into the atmosphere than all of the industrialized nations of the world had in the previous 50 years. I think what Mr. Internet ought to focus on is trying to plug volcanoes.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary. One or two REALLY big volcano eruptions would spit enough stuff into the sky to block UV and solar radiation from penetrating earth's atmosphere, thus causing a cooling process that would bring us a mini ice age, just like the one that occurred when Krakatoa blew in 1883.

J Money said...

"Plugging Volcanoes -- An Inconvenient Sexuality," by Al Gore.

I like it.

J Money said...

After eating at El Rodeo, Tim's been known to have "REALLY big volcano eruptions."

boilerdowd said...

why do you think we had such a rough winter this year?

Purdue Matt said...

Steve Czaben ripped this to pieces this morning on his radio show. He talked about the funny science and the politics of grant money.

Then he talked about the best way to get back at SI. He said they are a liberal news machine and don't tell them you are cancelling your subscription. He said the best way to get back at SI and all the other Pro Global Warming kooks out there is to leave your engine running the next time you go tailgating. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

