First up is Megan Fox. Pop quiz -- what seat is she sitting in? (If you see a seat number right away, you may be married. If you are wondering what these words are because you're too busy looking at the pic to read them, that's the right answer.)
Next is Mia St. John. Sure, her face looks a little weathered but who's looking at her face?
Cooling off under a waterfall here is Candice Michelle. Isn't this how all chicks cool off on a hot day? I like to pretend so.
On the advice of old friend and loyal reader Paul, here's the first of two pics of Keeley Hazel. I don't know where Paul found her but I'm thinking it wasn't somewhere that's PG-rated. Do a Google images search for her and see what I mean. (Hint: Don't do the search if your boss or wife is behind you. Unless they like SBF, too.)
Keeley Hazel, again. As I replied to Paul, "holy bejeezus."
Another stellar find by a member of the Boiled Sports Army, Tim. This is Cheryl Cole and that's perhaps my favorite shirt ever. I would give up bacon to have my wife wear this shirt. And I love bacon.
And finally, bringing up the rear... heh... today is China Moro. I don't know who she is nor can I recall where her picture came from in my folder of fun. But it's there and now it's here for all to enjoy.
Boiler Up this weekend gents, and let's crush the Mildcats over the weekend and stay on top of the Big Ten.
Keeley is a Page 3 girl. And those are natural, for everyone keeping score at home.
Cherly Cole is married to a soccer player, but that doesn't matter.
What was I saying?
Side boob note, Keeley Hazel has a sex tape or... err... yeah. Something.
I love that white shirt. I want to be friends with it.
You'd give up bacon for a day? Forever? I mean, that is a pretty serious statement to make.....
Well, for a day, definitely.
I suppose it would depend on how long and/or how often she'd be willing to wear that shirt, you know? If she'd wear it every weekend for a year, I'd give up bacon for two years. Once a month for a year, I'd give up bacon for one year. Fair is fair, after all.
I bought her one of those slutty girl shirts you see at ballparks in the summer -- kind or torn edges, with a rip down the cleavage... and I said if I bought it she had to wear it. She okayed the deal and I've never seen it since we brought it home. That was two baseball seasons ago.
this is one the great SBF's of all time...
if only women realized what we would do if they just wore certain things... oh wait, some of them do... sorry J money
God bless Leap Year SBF, and God bless Paul for finding Keely.
I'm shooting for the 2008 SB Awareness Award. I think I got it in 2007, but I'm not sure...
Just doing my part.
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