It's not particularly clever, simply taking more shots at Paterno, but for a quick read -- and if you, like us, enjoy making fun of detached old coaches who don't know when to step down -- it's got a few chuckles in it.
Well, loyal Penn Staters never find it funny when others bring up JoePa's explosive diarrhea or the fact that he's -- gasp! -- old.
There Is No Name On My Jersey, a fine ole PSU blog, took serious issue with it today. And all I can say is, JB, man, calm down. Deep breathes. Everyone is aware of ESPN's one-trick pony style of writing. But you're going to burst a blood vessel, man.
Also? Joe is old.
I like the "match the coach to the word or phrase that best describes him" part of the Joe Pa quiz.
Joe Tiller: "I had a mustache like that back in the Civil War"
A good email from that same IU co-worker you torched in that post about a year ago....
ME - Do you still think its better to have Gordon for 1 year rather than Purdue's freshman for 4?
DBAG - Yes!
ME - Gordon's legacy: a)Zero Big Ten regular season titles. b) Zero Big Ten Tournament victories c) Zero NCAA Tournament victories
DBAG - Just because it didn't work out this time doesn't mean it won't next time. I doubt O$U fans would have traded enjoying a better team this past year for having one great year with Oden going to the Final Four. Would Syracuse fans trade winning a title in Carmelo Anthony's one year for four years of just being good? For me it's all about putting yourself in a position to have a strong chance at going to a Final Four and winning a championship. Once you've been there that really becomes all that matters going forward.
Surely, you do realize that the circumstances that led to our team falling apart in the last four weeks of the season didn't have anything to do with a recruiting philosophy? Having the whole Sampson thing blow up at the worst time kind of changed everything. Prior to that the team had performed very well and had a realistic shot at the Final Four. Kelvin's situationl basically ruined our season. Who knows...maybe Gordon would have gone into the worst shooting slump of his life regardless but I think the Sampson debacle had far more of an influence on our season than anything else.
Now, if you want to say the Sampson hire was a bad move you're right there. The guy can flat out coach and win but just couldn't obey the rules. IU took a chance on one of the best coaches out there and got burned.
I'm still looking at Purdue going on 28 years and counting since their last Final Four. Soon, only senior citizens will remember Purdue playing in a Final Four!
I'm still looking at Purdue with 0 NCAA Championships.
You're recruits haven't changed either one of those things yet and I doubt they will unless if you add some better recruits in the next few years.
And if Jordan Crawford sticks around I think you'll start to view last year's IU class as a lot more than just Gordon. He was pretty close to the same scoring level as any of your freshmen.
I'll take my chances that Tom Crean gets IU back to yet another Final Four before Matt Painter ever gets it done at Purdue.
I think we'd all agree it's in Joe Pa's best interests if he does not celebrate SBF.
Also, the IU email, ugh. Let me count the ways....
1)comparing Gordon to Oden. No one at tOSU wanted to see Oden gone. Can the same be said about Gordon?
2) saying IU had a realistic shot at the Final Four (even in the Sampson era they were looking at a 3 seed at the very best). Which one of those Final Four teams would Indiana have picked off?
3) Same old bullshit about our titles versus your titles. Seems to me that IU gets the pick of the litter when it comes to basketball recruits and somehow manages to screw it up both in recruiting and player development.
I'll ask this question: Why don't they have more titles when you are the biggest program in the state that regularly puts multiple players in the McDonald's All-American game. Think of all the great high school players to come from Indiana since IU last won a title.
Take away Crean's year with Wade and what's left is good coach who did above average in C-USA and the Big East.
Thanks, but I'll take Matt Painter who took a bunch of freshmen with little post presence and nearly won the B10 title and has half as much ego and forehead.
"The guy can flat out coach and win but just couldn't obey the rules."
Here's the deal- Kelvin Sampson is a cheater and isn't really that big of a winner either.
His career winning percentage is a respectable 65%. But, he's never been to a final four, Only has one major conference title (B-12 '05)...so I guess he really can't just flat-out win.
The forehead won't get them to a Final Four before Painter. You guys can hold me to that statement.
Sampson actually did make a Final Four once. I think it was the year that IU was in the title game.
This dbag coworker is hilarious. I knew it wouldn't take much to get him riled up and start the "We play for championships" talk. I am saving that email and when Purdue wins the Big Ten and/or makes a Final Four, I will be sending it back to him.
The sad thing is how he drinks the kool-aid worse than anyone. He lacks the ability to see the Gordon and Sampson situations for what they were. He is one of those IU fans who loved the Sampson hire when it was announced and refers to the violations as "just phone calls."
"and if you, like us, enjoy making fun of detached old coaches who don't know when to step down."
Funny. When was the last time Purdue beat PSU again?
I think you guys are missing the bigger story - Coach Ryan at Wisconsin got more votes for Coach of the Year than Painter did. I know Wisconsin won the Big 11, but weren't they supposed to be competing for it???
Brave anonymous commenter, that's a solid argument. Thanks for the compliment, I guess... because if beating Purdue is what it's all about then, I guess JoPa should stay a lot longer. It's not like your program is clearly out of control or anything.
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