Saturday, September 20, 2008

3-0 (not on the season, but against CMU)

Sheets runs himself (all-time Purdue TD leader) and Tiller (all-time Purdue winningest coach) into the record books with a beauty

It's hard to beat any team twice in a year, harder still to beat that same squad a third time...But Purdue beat CMU 32-25 this afternoon; a win is a win, is a win...but it was difficult.

I haven't watched highlights, so my review is based solely on the view from 119, but here goes:

The Bad
-Painter tends to lock in on receivers waaaaaay too often. It's long past getting old, it's sad. CMU's corners watched Painter's eyes and picked off a pass to the left that should have never been thrown...Keep in mind that Tiller himself said the Chips defensive backfield was one of the weaker parts of their team- a good team will punish Painter. His completion percentage was good, would have been even better had Kory Sheets not dropped two passes in the flat in the first half...but Painter's game was far from good. A costly fumble nearly gave CMU the game (not sure if it was legit or not), and his checks just weren't smart. It seems to me that he doesn't have the grasp of the system that I was hopeful he'd have at this time.

-Tackling...Awful. Purdue's defense kept LeFevour and co. in the game by missing the first or second tackles regularly. Fundamentally, the front four and linebackers tackled poorly...Duong, McClean and McKinley have been forced to make way to many tackles.

-This larger, stronger receiving corps doesn't seem to hold their blocks well. Specifically, Orton missed a few that would have freed Sheets and Tardy (on separate plays) for noteworthy gains.

-Playcalling. Tiller complained that Painter should have passed fifteen to twenty more times during the contest...yet no offensive adjustments seemed to have been made during the half. The formations show Purdue's hand time and time again and the playcalling is uninventive and continues to be bland OR even worse moronic. The sweep to the short side of the field has NEVER worked...yet it has stayed in the playbook. And, when Sheets was getting a rest in the second quarter, the coaching staff seemed to call plays for Frank Halliburton that would only work with Sheets in the game. Almost like Z didn't know Sheets wasn't playing.

The Good
-Painter's percentage went up greatly in large part because Whittington, Whitest and Valentin caught what was thrown their way. The whole receiving corps looked solid today, but the loss of Adams is still felt as there's simply no tight end involved in pass-catching.

Greg Orton made a difficult catch look easy on the two point conversion as Painter sailed the ball, even to the wide-open 6'4" Ohioan.

-Sheets is a special running back and has answered the bell over and over during this young season. He ran well between the tackles, he bounced runs outside well and made some very nifty moves to win the game on his last run of the contest. Kind of an interesting thought- If Jaycen Taylor had been healthy, we would have never seen Sheets last run because his early injury probably would have led to Taylor playing the rest of the game.

-Frank Duong is a good football player...he makes nearly every tackle that he has the opportunity to make and he was given a gift that nearly won the game. He along with McClean have been very solid so far. I'm actually very pleased with Pender and King as well.

-Gooden, Kerrigan, Brown, Baker, Guynn, Magee and even Mondek all played well at times today. Despite their problems tackling, they we put a lot of pressure on LeFevour for much of the day. That improvement's noteworthy as it seems Purdue's front four simply allowed opposing QBs to get way too comfortable last season.

-Tardy had two good kick returns and the second was very good, especially since he broke a tackle being attempted by his facemask. From far away, it seemed that he was simply "willing" the play upfield.

-Keith Smith didn't really get involved in the game that early because Painter didn't find him...but he made the best catch of the day on a pass that Painter simply rifled very high and Smith skillfully snagged it. Orton also continues to play well and seems to use his body well to create space when in traffic.

I'll be honest- I didn't enjoy today's game all that much...I thought coming in, and still do this evening that Purdue should be a couple touchdowns better than ANY MAC team, especially at home with a Senior quarterback. But, this Purdue team, if something doesn't change, will struggle to become bowl eligible. Hey, it wasn't pretty or fact, it looked like the players and coaches alike were suffering long-term effects from last weeks heartbreaker, but the players' effort looked good for most of the day and the black "W" is flying tonight above the South end zone. Onto God's least favorite program...

Upon Further Review
Looks like Oregon doesn't belong in the top-15...or maybe even the top-25 after all. I can't say that their performance today makes me think Purdue is anything more than a lower-middle-BT team...again.

I Love Weekends Like These
UND gets handled by MSU while Pickles throws a pair of interceptions and makes a bevy of bad decisions...IU gets railroaded by BSU (I told you this was coming, Hoosier fan)...and Purdue wins. Delicious. By the way, IU deserves to lose every game as long as they continue the super-gay "March" after every first down. I thought it looked bad in looks worse on TV.


Anonymous said...

This was a needed W.

As for oregon, well, what do you expect from a 3rd string QB?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the inevitable bullshit Terry Hutchens is going to spew forth this week.

"Stay calm! All is well!"

I agree with all of your comments. The playcalling is miserable. It seemed like we tried too hard to attack the sides without ever hitting guys in-stride in the middle of the field.

I feel much better about the defense than I do the offense. That said, Kory Sheets is the team MVP thru 3 games.

boilerdowd said...

Oregon was down 24-6 in the second quarter (sounds familiar, right).

Regardless, they're not that good.

Nate said...

Watching the BSU-IU game on DVR right now, so damn you for slipping the result in there (like I didn't expect it). Just caught the IU student section chanting "block that kick" on a PA attempt... so lame.

I've said all along that Painter makes terrible decisions, especially when hurried. It's very hard to reconcile his stats with the game you just saw him play. It worries me that last year the offense looked awesome in the non-conference portion of the schedule and then when the real competition started we looked awful. This year, we don't even look good on offense during the non-conference, so...

Couple notes since I watched on TV:

1) First pass interference call against Purdue was bullshit
2) Painter did fumble, unfortunately
3) We got a terrible spot on the measured 3rd and short. I paused it and went frame by frame - we made it
4) Playcalling does indeed suck

T-Mill said...

That hit that Dante Love took in the BSU-IU is frightening. I heard he was transferred to Methodist tonight.

boilerdowd said...

Nate, there will be no letdown this year when the offense disappears...see, it's good news!

Travis, Love's injury is horrible on a lot of levels; I hope he's back out on the field terrorizing the MAC soon.

Did anyone else here the refs call "encroachment" on CMU...when they were on offense today?

Purdue Matt said...

I love weekends where Purdue wins, IU loses, and ND loses. Those are the best.

The playcalling frustrated the hell out of me. How many times did we throw it to the RB in the flat or try WR screens. Throw it downfield!

That was a sick move that Sheets put on the CMU defender on that run.

Purdue Matt said...

I've never been as bored at a Purdue football game as I was yesterday. The first 3 quarters were absolutely brutal.

boilerdowd said...

I agree on all counts, Matt.

Nate said...

Matt - well said.

Read today that Love regained mobility after a back surgery to repair damage to his backbone and spine. We won't be seeing him on the football field again, but at least he's not bedridden for life.

Anonymous said...

Two words:

Joey. Elliot.

boilerdowd said...

Anonymous- you've fallen into a trap; the trap of human nature...believing the grass is greener on the other side...Brandon Kirsch pt. 2 (that worked out well)...Remember a couple of things:

First, they're both coached by the same guy.

Second, Painter's numbers might be down because of receivers that simply aren't as good as last year's. I watched the game film- I counted four dropped balls that hit the receivers between the numbers.

That said, Painter is playing poorly...and you will see Elliot if it continues.

Anonymous said...


I understand the "grass is greener" philosophy, an your point is well taken.

I have to concerns with Painter:

1. Accuracy
I am probably spoiled by Brees and Orton, but Painter floats a LOT of passes. I am getting tired of seeing receivers break open only to be unable to reach the ball, or hung out to dry (when I played rugby at Purdue, we called those "hospital passes).

2. Telegraphing
My brother-in-law and I were at the Oregon game. He is only a casual fan. Midway through the 2nd qtr, he asked me if I thought Painter telegraphed his passes. This conversation evolved into an entertaining, but disturbing, game of "call the receiver." As soon as Painter dropped back to pass, we would call out the number of the guy he was going to throw to. We were right 80% of the time.

Also, because of this fixation, he tends to miss other targets who are breaking open, usually deeper down fiels.

All this to say, an inaccurate QB that telegraphs his passes is spells "disaster" when we meet up with a "real" secondary.

No, I don't know much about Joey Elliot, but I'm tired of what I've seen.

The defense is playing "lights out," they are just on the field too much.

Talk me off the ledge if you can.

Anonymous said...

I also have concerns with my ability to spell.

I meant "I have TWO concerns..."

boilerdowd said...

Honestly, I can't talk you off of the ledge...The points about him locking in on a receiver and sailing the ball (especially early in games) have always been concerns for me...He has not improved at all during the off-season either, which is bothersome.

To me, there are bigger problems.

Personality, like Orton's is a problem. It traces back to the fact that Tiller doesn't like guys to rock the boat...doesn't like guys that are emotional either. It's not a coincidence that Painter's last year is Tiller's- I think Joe has/had high hopes for Curt.

Coaching is a bigger problem than personality. I don't care who's at QB, unless it's a guy like Brees who refuses to run the called play, Purdue's offense will continue to be easy to decipher, especially for good DBs, and DCs. If Elliot is brought in, will he be given the latitude to call audibles? No. If he makes one or two incorrect reads, he'll be yanked...then you'll have a more-unconfident Painter under center.

Having Adams out has been a big deal too. Painter has relied on a TE for about 10-15% of his passes during his career. If Adams doesn't get healthy quickly, Tiller needs to find a TE that can do more than block; Wasikowsky is not a threat with the ball.

The defense has played well so far in that they stiffen up as teams cross the 45, but they miss far too many tackles, especially Baker and Magee who simply shouldn't miss tackles as they are talented and have been starting for four years. The real key to the defenses' re-asserting of itself has been the defensive backfield. I'm hoping Golding's return and possibly Werner's can make this defense not OK, but very good.

Why don't you get a screen name so we can know who we're talking to?

dozer8589 said...


I'm doing all this from work and I was too busy/lazy to sign in properly.

Anyway, you raise some valid points about a "free spirit" vs a "company man" at QB.

I think as long as we avoid a replacement named Brandon Kirsch/Hance, we'll be fine.

I have always wanted to see what would happen with our offense if we had a mobile QB (Billy Dicken). I know Kirsch was not so good, but I don't fault the philosophy - just a bad fit at QB.

After watching Siller's -5 yard option play vs Oregon, I don't think he's ready.

I would love to see Jordan Brewer do what Roy Roundtree's buddy at Michigan did to us* and convince Morgan Newton to join him at Purdue next year.

I just miss the good old "basketball on grass" days - maybe we should go back to the black helmets...

*Yes, after suffering through the Akers/Colletto regimes, plus contributing a four-year tuition to Purdue, I consider myself a "we."

boilerdowd said...

It'd be nifty if Newton came to Purdue, but I hear his Moms is all about UK...that doesn't bode well for our Boilers.

Let's see if Painter can put up 300 or so v. the Irish...If he only has 200 and 2 ints, I think the low grumblings for Joey will become much louder.

I don't think we really want to see that this season as it means Painter's Senior campaign is an awful failure and the team isn't far behind.