Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big Ten Roundtable -- Bottoming Out Edition

This week's Big Ten Roundtable is hosted by Nittany White Out. Did you know Penn Staters think they invented the "white out" concept? It's kind of cute. I'll admit they do it very, very well, of course, but they need to lay off the "nobody else should be allowed to do our thing" mantra.

Anyway, on to the Roundtable and our BS answers.

1. We're approaching week 9 now, are you pleasantly surprised or already waiting for basketball season?

We're pleasantly surprised we haven't started picketing (or torching) Tiller's office...It's a good thing work is still busy.

2. Describe one specific play from this season you would alter for a different outcome if you had the chance to.

The kickoff of the Northern Colorado game -- we'd have a different head coach on the sideline...and maybe we'd be on the way to rebuilding this shravesty of a program instead of having to wait yet another full season for Hope to take over.

3. How could it (#2) possibly impact the way your season is going?

The record might be similar, but the style of play would be different and the overall attitude of the fanbase would be more positive as we'd know we're building toward something instead of waiting for the anti-climactic end to befall us.

4. Big Ten player you just can't stand, why?

Can't think of any player that we especially dislike right now...but there's this one coach who we think is a schmo.

5. Boo'ing your own team (we've seen quite a lot of this across theBig Ten this season), your feelings on this.

We're generally against booing college players...even if the coaches deserve it, you don't want the players to think they're being booed. Those guys are busting their humps for our alma mater and are simply following orders. All that said, the Big Ten officials are quite worthy of being booed.

Bonus Round

1. Number of beers or alcoholic drinks consumed by week 8 (or a good estimate)?

Do Shirley Temples count?

2. Most annoying commercial seen this season

There's a commercial where some bitchy woman has to change what her husband wears to make herself feel like she's useful...and the dumbass just allows it like he can't think for himself...That commercial and any like it piss us off.

3. Your prediction for the next coaching change in the Big Ten (JoeTiller exempt).

Bill Lynch will be fired by IU at season's end and replaced with current Purdue asst. and IU alum, Mark Hagen...and he'll be a darned good coach for IU


Purdue Matt said...

You should change the name of this blog to I HATE JOE TILLER.

J Money said...

As always, Matthew, you need to lighten up. I've never known someone with an inability as great as yours with regard to identifying sarcasm and wise-cracking.

We say over and over and OVER again that we don't hate Joe... never have, never will, and that we DO appreciate what he's done. How come you choose to skip over those and focus on our criticisms?

Purdue Matt said...

Its my opinion that part of appreciating what he's done is not attacking him in such a mean-spirited way.

Plang said...

Sideboob Roundtable - my favorite.

boilerdowd said...

We've said this before- write that on your blog...then there will be balance.

We'll continue to speak freely and you can write as if the Purdue Gustapo controls your words...Then right in between would be Travis' blog that is critical but not nearly as cynical.

In all seriousness, we know you're a successful guy...and have a lot of work to do. Don't read BS if it's that annoying and tough for you to take. Until things change; figuratively or literally, we will not change our tone.

We've warned you.

T-Mill said...

Thanks for the compliment, Boilerdowd. I always like to find creative ways to say we suck this year. Among my favorite is that our offense can't score in a women's prison with a fistful of pardons and the defense can't stop the french Army.

The bucket game this year is going to be ugly! We're talking 1996 ugly, which means Indiana 9on a 15 game Big Ten losing streak at the time) will win.

boilerdowd said...

I actually think they'll use all of the gadget plays they've been saving all year...and the players will be motivated for a change...Maybe Hope will coach in honor of Coach Tiller?