Monday, January 10, 2011

BCS Title Game Quick Thoughts

Oregon's 13th uni of the season.
I was playing golf with my SEC sycophant buddies here in Texas a few months ago and it was about the time Oregon was ascending to the top of the rankings. A guy on the course commented on Oregon and one of my buddies -- an LSU fan -- commented that they hadn't seen a "real defense" yet and if they played a team "like Alabama" they would get smoked. You know, the usual SEC fan propaganda.

As we got back into our carts, I was riding with a buddy who is a Georgia fan (a fan, not a graduate, as he simply grew up in Georgia) and I said, "I can't wait for Oregon to play an SEC team in a BCS bowl and absolutely paste them."

Not surprisingly, he scoffed at me.

It's always interesting how a conference to steeped in tradition and rivalries and intense, quality football is so quick to band together to tell everyone else how awesome they are, collectively. While we sometimes defend the Big Ten, I know that I personally almost always open with "Look, don't make me defend Ohio State..." Yet, these SEC clowns will be cheering for Auburn tonight, despite allegedly hating them all season long. Eh, whatever. Clowns.

As for the game itself, there's no doubt that here at BS HQ the support goes to the Ducks. We don't like a whole lot about them or the program, but we sure do want to see the SEC shut the hell up. Seeing Cam Newton lose also seems appropriate, given the filthy nature of his father. Sorry, but whether the NCAA says so or not, they're dirty.

Comparing the teams is always hard since they play completely different schedules in difference conferences. I'll of course admit the SEC is far superior to the Pac 10. However, when you look at Auburn's schedule, you'll see they had many close games, including some shootouts where they gave up a lot of points. On the other hand, Oregon had only on close call, a 15-13 win at Cal. Otherwise, the Ducks absolutely bludgeoned their opposition. Auburn spent the season "escaping" games with close wins, usually relying on Newton to make magic.

I'll tell you this much -- if Auburn sleeps through the first half like they did against Alabama and goes down 3 or 4 scores, they are cooked. There will be no coming back from a deep hole against this Oregon squad. Sure, Auburn is the only one out there who could but I don't think they will. That said, if the game is close at the end, you'd have to put your money on Cam. (Pun intended.)

I think Oregon will win this game, but that's going back to how I felt during the college football season, which ended almost two months ago. I can barely remember it now. Smooth, NCAA, smooth!

Oregon 38
Auburn 26


Purdue Matt said...

Seeing Cam Newton lose also seems appropriate, given the filthy nature him AND his father.


Its amazing how everyone buys the ridiculous fairy tale tha the Newtons just gave up their pay for play scheme when they were rebuffed by MSU. AU paid for him and everyone knows it.

Anyways, I share your sentiment about holding my nose and rooting for Oregon. I would like to see SEC lose and the Newtons knocked down a peg.

Georiga Boiler said...

I was at work before the Christmas break and I overheard a conversation of a co-worker that said "The winner of the SEC should automatically get a bid into the National Championship." You can not understand the complete and utter blind ignorance there is down here until you live here. I never hated nor had any bad feelings toward the SEC until I lived down here. All you damn yankees just don't understand. Oh, and the south will rise again....according to the SEC. Seriously, I pass a "Son's of the Confederacy" sign every day I drive into work.

H. Jones said...

Frustrated or not... an SEC team won again. So the mantra will keep on going

IceT said...

All Oregon did tonight was make a lot of average SEC offenses look really good...

The Accidental Expat said...

I was pondering which would be worse with a victory-- Auburn/SEC fans or Oregon fans. An Auburn win would unleash hordes of insufferable SEC fans, crowing about their "utter dominance" of the NCAA (no doubt glossing over the SEC's rather pedestrian .500 record in bowls this year). An Oregon win would give rise to more insufferable Duck superfans however. For those who haven't had the pleasure, Duck trolls possess the redneck classlessness of Iowa fans combined with the entitled obnoxiousness of Ohio State Buckeyes, even though Oregon lacks the athletic history of either institution. With Nike owner/UO alum Phil Knight pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into Duck athletics in recent years, Duck fans act a bit like the nouveau riche-- but instead of the Silicon-Valley kind, we're talking about the Beverley Hillbillies.

In the end the Tigers won, and it was a good close game. But here we go with SEC yahoos for another year. I was hoping for a break.