Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This Is IU-U-U

Remember that wonderful We Are Notre Dame video from last summer that, apparently, was not meant ironically? Well, it's possible that IU actually has that beat.

I haven't done any research on this yet to know how such an abomination as this could exist intentionally, but then again...maybe nothing more needs to be said. Let's roll tape, after the jump.

Well, that was just... wonderful. I especially loved all of the grainy footage of greatness. Which Tom Crean will be returning them to... if you bottle him. I think. What?

Oh, but I liked the red-spikey-haired dude doing the violin solo in the middle. That was.... awesome...?

I mean, seriously, IU. How can you expect us not to make fun of you when you think things like this are cool?

Yeah, yeah, you have five banners. We know. We've heard. I do like how ours from 1932 "doesn't count" but ones from 1940 and 1953 are very relevant. We don't deny it -- IU used to be very good. A long, long...long time ago.

You guys know Keith Smart is, like, 45 years old now, right? And that your most recent banner is older than the studs in this video?

Oh, right, none of that matter when you live in the past.


Anonymous said...



Mark Bird said...

How dare you make fun of the violin guy. Haven't you heard how great IU's music dept. What, you don't? MUSIC IS IMPORTANT!!!!!

This broke the unintentional comedy scale.

boilerdowd said...

Jwin- The Forehead said it was inadvertent on his radio show.

His ability to tell the truth is as bad as his team's defense.

H. Jones said...


Just in case you want a black and gold version of a basketball themed rap song done by caucasians.

Patrick said...

My 2 year old laughed, cried, then became angry. At least we know they suck off the court too.

Patrick said...

Handel: No comparison. Apples and oranges.

H. Jones said...

never said it was similar...of course Purdue's is better (and more relevant). I mean IU made theirs and actual music video... maybe Purdue one day will be that douchey... or not. I did enjoy the lyrics from ready for takeoff... too bad it was made a day before Robbie went down... but we're still ready for takeoff

The Accidental Expat said...

Oh man, this is so wrong on multiple levels:

-Who is that singing, Dim Shady? To quote Johnny Gomez of "Celebrity Deathmatch," Ain't nuthin' more wack than a white man tryin' to act down.

-The violin break reminds me of the talent contest scene from "Revenge of the Nerds" right down to the spikey red hair.

-Bobby Knight is so minimized in this video as to be nearly invisible. Like it or not, Knight -WAS- IU hoop. If you are trying hard to play up your past "greatness," why ignore the guy most closely and recently associated with it? Sorry, the co-ed tossing the chair doesn't quite cut it even as an ironic reference, and there's a better-than-good chance that the target audience for this video won't get it anyways.

-Given ND and now IU have come out with videos of this ilk, here's hoping that Purdue will buck the trend.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

I'm not mad at the girls in that video, though.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

Especially the one that throws the chair...

Todd said...

Dear Purdue Students:

Please don't ever, ever make a video like this.

Anonymous said...

"6 banners knocking at your door" REALLY?!?!?! Apparently starting out Big Ten play 0-4 is a sign of a return to glory. Every time I head IU or ND fans say a return to glory is imminent I can't help but laugh at them.

The girl who threw the chair is ok by me, nice "shorts", but that toss was pathetic.

The Brilliant Moron said...


Approves of the violin guy.

The Brilliant Moron said...

I wanted to embed that image in my comment, but blogger wouldn't let me.

Also, a note to Purdue students. Please please PLEASE don't do anything like this.

dozer8589 said...

"Yeah, we got banners on the wall, and they smell like mothballs.

We are oh-and-four –
please don't run up the score..."

Plang said...

I laughed, I cried, I threw up a little in my mouth. Then I laughed some more.

For such a great liberal arts school, you would think they could scrape a little more creativity out of the bottom of that barrel.

This is a sad, sad trend and someone at Purdue will try to top these and make something better, but fail completely. Just wait for it.

zlionsfan said...

Actually, IU's music school is pretty good. I took clarinet lessons there one summer when I was in middle school.

Every time I see something like this, it makes me worry that the next link that people pass around will be a Purdue-sanctioned video ... and it will suck just as much as all of these did.

Erin said...

The sad thing is, as I went to high school in Indiana, I do have a lot of friends that went to IU. They love it. They are posting it and "liking" it all over facebook. I am holding my tongue...

CarlC said...

it's not their first one either...


i found this one about a month before christmas.

they aren't very original as both are very similar in the lyrics blurted out... but i give a little bit more credit to the first one they did, as it was creative to incorporate the fight song. other than that, it's meh.

although as a film student, it sparked an interest into doing a better video for it, but as nobody seems to want that, i quickly put that to rest

Bloomington.Boiler said...

I may take heat for this, but I actually think people should produce whatever media they want. One of the most popular ways our society expresses themselves is through music and video, and this was mildly entertaining...even if I hate IU.

boilerdowd said...

What makes you think we don't want them producing this?

I'd like them to make one of these each year...heck, each semester. I literally laughed aloud at this- it entertained me too!

Hats off IU sports marketing!! Keep up the good work!

Juan Crespo said...

I'd say the "We are ND" is still worse considering that even most ND fans hate it. The IU though is just as pathetic.

BoilerBrian said...

This explains the whole situation a little better...


Anonymous said...

@boilerdowd inadvertent...kinda like New York Jets strength coach Sal Alosi ......hmmm haha ;)

boilerdowd said...

Very similar.