Monday, January 10, 2011

Does Purdue's Ranking Matter?

I saw on Twitter this morning that one of the many fools media types (Gary Parrish) put up his top 25 and he had Purdue at 13th. And that's fine. It's worse than their actual ranking will be, but honestly, who cares? Gary Parrish has probably not watched a complete half of Purdue basketball this season, so really, his opinion is nothing.

The problem, of course, is that his opinion -- and those of other fools like him -- actually gets traction simply because of the size of their megaphone (platform). And then other people who haven't watched 5 minutes of Purdue take their opinions as fact. But does it matter?

We have often been ripped for implying or straight-out suggesting that Purdue gets no respect, but there are many, many instances we can point to that back us up. Purdue is simply not respected by the media. And maybe they haven't earned it...and if that was the case and the media was consistent about that sort of thing, we'd be more okay with it. But when San Diego State climbs into the top ten without beating anybody and playing in a joke of a conference, well, that's annoying.

But here's the thing: maybe it's good. Maybe it's fine. The more I think about it, the more I'm okay with Purdue's ranking remaining below where it probably should be. What's the advantage of being in the top 5? The chance at being #1? Well, yes, that would be very cool and is something we'd love to see, not just as fans, but also for guys like JJ and E'Twaun and Matt Painter. They've worked hard and that would be a terrific mini-culmination for them.

Another perk or side effect of getting into the top 5 and maybe getting to #1 is the positive impact it could possibly have on recruiting. But the thing is, it'll still be Purdue, and what I mean by that is that they'll always be Purdue and they won't be Kentucky or IU or Duke. If a kid wants to go to a name school like those (and I include IU for kids who grew up in southern Indiana), then that's what they want. However, I do think there could be some positive impact on recruiting and it certainly can't hurt Matt Painter to recruit if he's able to say his team has been #1 at some point.

Okay, but aside from those items, what does it do? Well, it gets a bigger target on Purdue. And it also sets them up for a greater fall. Sure, Michigan State can lose five games and still be ranked by guys like Parrish (oh, and so can four loss Minnesota, who is 1-3 in conference), but can you imagine where Purdue would be ranked if they had five losses?? Answer: they wouldn't be ranked the rest of the season. By anyone.

If Purdue was grudgingly put into the top 5 by voters and media, they'd simply be waiting for them to lose one game and then they'd drop them back into the teens. Just like after Purdue's lone loss this year. That loss, by the way, was actually a great thing for this team. We were worried about it at the time, of course, but the Boilers have responded and having one loss has been great. Think about it: If Purdue was 16-0 right now, they'd have to be ranked very highly, thus having more attention and more aggravating remarks about "overachieving" and "despite not having Robbie Hummel," etc. And we'd all be more annoyed than anything. And clowns like Parrish and Katz would be eagerly awaiting a Purdue loss to give the "I told you so" smirks. Because there's nothing more -- nothing -- that these guys want than to be right.

So I'm good with Purdue hovering around #10-15 all season, even if it's worse than they deserve to be ranked. Let everyone dismiss them. Let everybody think that teams coincidentally play "sloppy" against Purdue -- rather than it being Purdue's defense making them sloppy. Let everyone think that the season really was over in mid-October.

Choo-choo, muthas.


Benjamin said...

"Choo-Choo muthas" should be this year's theme. I'd hvae no problem walking right up to Katz, Parrish, or any IU fan and saying it to their face after any win where they doubted us.

BoilerUpAT said...

Couldn't agree more. Keep us around #10, I like when our kids play with a chip on their shoulder. To be honest, I don't care what we are ranked as long as we continue to win games.


jay.westfall said...

We are who we are, and nothing will change that. Nothing absolutely nothing brings more tears to my eyes and puts a lump in my throat the way these guys play clampdown defense. As long as we fill our roster with guys who buy into what Coach Painter is doing and it is successful, we don't need the media's approval.

PatrickWB said...

I want to get national respect by winning a title. I don't care how they rate us in January.

Even if we were ranked #2 right now, certain people would just say, "Oh look, there's scrappy little Purdue again, playing great in January - but they'll be at home watching on TV come Final Four time, just like EVERY year." And could we really dispute them?

I say let's not worry about being disrespected NOW. Let's win games in March and enjoy the respect the Boilers will finally get THEN.

brown11b said...

A Plan to raise money for

Make a shirt with "Choo-choo, muthas" on the front.

On the back of the shirt, the image of Barlow choke sign at IU last season.

zlionsfan said...

It could be worse. Imagine if polls determined whether or not you could even play for a championship ...

H. Jones said...


I agree 100% with you. I could care less about rankings now. I just want this team to get to the final four (and winning it) to tell the media, IU fans, and most importantly ourselves that we are a program that can get it done. That's all that matters. We win important games in January... which is good because it get's us into the dance... but for some reason we haven't been able to get over the 2nd weekend hump (Smooge and JJ haven't even tasted a Saturday or Sunday in the 2nd weekend). Eventually the bounces will go our way.... but we'll have to make our bounces as well, and capitalize when it is our time as well (example losing to Wisconsin in the elite 8 in 2000). That being said... plenty of ball to play which means plenty of time for improvement and to play fearless.

Word verification: vicimas

Mike vicismastering the art of the late game interception...

Georiga Boiler said...

Benjamin, completely agree, I think Choo-choo muthas should be this years theme. J put that on a t-shirt and I will buy it!

Andrew said...

I liked Parrish's comments about Kentucky. - "The Wildcats had three players foul out in their loss at Georgia."

Is that supposed to say "The Wildcats were screwed by the refs so this past loss doesn't really count."?

Back to Purdue basketball, "Defense, Defense, Defense!" I couldn't agree with Jay's comments above more. I love the defense and if we can continue to hold our opponents to around 60 points, we could go pretty far.

What other team in the nation is undefeated in conference play and winning all those games by double digits? I'm too lazy to do the research but I would say few if any.

Chad said...

San Diego State has beaten the powerhouse that is IUPUI...
at home...
by 2 points!

That counts for something, right?

BoilerColt said...

I totally like the idea for the shirt that brown11b suggested. Would be interested in buying some of those.

Rhino said...

I don't think there is any recruiting advantage to spending some time in the top ten. Saint Matty's only talking point regarding rank can be the consecutive week total. As everyone reading this knows. Purdue is Purdue. Most recruits will know what they're getting.

What I'm more interested in is our bracket positioning come dance time. If a higher rank earns us a better draw, I'm all for it. Otherwise I couldn't care less.

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

I think we should all want Purdue to be judged a #1 or #2 seed in the NCAA, with whatever ranking that might require. That seed gives you a leg up on winning the tournament, and who wouldn't want that?

I'm not worried about the lofty San Diego State ranking because when the seeds come out I just don't see them taking away one of those top 8 seeds from a team like Purdue if Purdue is still in the chase at that point.

I'd quibble with you a bit further regarding Purdue's potential to have a program such as Duke's. There is nothing about Duke University that says they should be a basketball powerhouse. What they have is a great coach. If we believe in Matt Painter like we do, there is no reason why he cannot in due course achieve a long period of sustained excellence that has Purdue always in the top 25, and vying for championships. That should be the goal.

Erin said...

I actually tweeted to Gary Parish because I was annoyed with Purdue's ranking. He replied back with: All very fluid. I take a fresh look each week. They're playing well. You shouldn't be concerned with difference between 12 and 10.

So, I guess I shouldn't be concerned with his rankings is what he is saying,ha. I just hope that Purdue can pull off to W's this week. If they do, they will have no choice but to put them in the top ten.

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

Erin - Gary Parrish's ranking are not even related to the AP poll, so they are not just something to not be concerned with, they are totally irrelevant.