Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Miss The Handsome Hour? Get a Fix Here

If you've missed our sultry tones -- especially if you'd rather just hear us and not see us, something many women have professed to -- then you can get your fill of Handsome Hour-like goodness by visiting The Railroad Tie (which you should be reading anyway) and hearing their season preview episode of The Basketball Beat. (I think that's what they call it, though this one says it's an "Interview with Boiled Sports," which is flattering because it makes it sound like anyone cares what we have to say.)

It's a couple hours of brilliance boiled down to just a lone hour, so you know it's packed with excellence. Rumor has it the outtakes may also be produced one day, which may or may not feature us taking all manner of potshots at other sites and Boilerdowd singing the Mary Tyler Moore theme song.

Get listening. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The outtakes really are fantastic. I've offered an mp3 of them to any of your enemies who are willing to pay my hosting fees for a few years. No bites yet, but you know, fingers crossed.