Thursday, April 08, 2010

Gosh, I Can't Figure Out WHY People Hate Duke

As promised on last night's Handsome Hour, here's the photo capture of Brian Goonbek's white-man-trying-to-be-street rap-gesture during the P Diddy intro to the National Title game on Monday night.

"Brian make Z! Ooga ooga ooga!"

Like I said, just in case you needed more reasons to hate Duke and their fans. Their fans who, as I posted via FB yesterday, decided the best way to write about their championship was to tell the rest of the world to F off -- repeatedly -- and to make up absolutely laughable nonsense about how the refs were out to get them.

That's enough about Duke until at least December.


Chris said...

"Son, you're 7 foot 1 and average 5 poitns per game. You should accidently score 10 points per game with the talent you have around you. You pick up fouls faster now than you did as a freshman. You would foul out at 15:00 minute mark of the second half if the coach left you in and that's with all the non-calls. As far as we can tell, no one has ever had so much and done so little." -optimistic NBA scout

Allen said...

Wow, I never realized Duke fans were so sensitive. I don't know how writing a douchey article about how people hate Duke (which by association means they hate you) will make people think that you're less douchey.

dozer8589 said...

Are you sure that's not a "G" for "Goon"?

Mark said...

Are you sure you're not jealous?

Come on guys, give me a break. Duke was the best team this year by far and away. I picked them winning it all before the brackets were announced.

zlionsfan said...

I don't believe I'm going out on a limb by saying that very few people who write or post here are jealous of anything about Duke.

J Money said...

Duke was the best team this year by far and away. I picked them winning it all before the brackets were announced.

Well, Mark, you were in the minority. The ACC was down and the vast majority of the country thought Kansas was the best team this year. And a fair number felt it was Kentucky. And another group was sure it was Syracuse.

And regardless, it doesn't change the fact that I find it amusing that they wonder why they're so hated.

HWPixHend said...

Jealously is a very UGLY trait, especially when it is denied and at the same time so obvious. Get past your hate and jealously and see what Duke is really about (honor, academics, top notch sports, etc) instead of just jumping on the HATE bandwagon. I'm a Purdue grad in NC and I would MUCH rather pal around with all the Duke fans and Duke grads than almost ANY of the UNC folks. UNC equals Indiana and, like it or not, down here, Duke is much closer to Purdue (other than the cost) than anything else in NC, though Clemson (SC) is actually the much better match (where two of my sons are in engineering school). Give it a break on the hate though, you are starting to look like the ignorant Duke haters I see down here all the time and you are making Purdue look bad.

Chris said...

You could replace "Duke" with "Notre Dame" in the last comment and it'd feel just like football season.

\also fitting that the verification word is "braws"

J Money said...

HWP -- So let me see if I have this right... you dislike UNC and wouldn't pal around with them. But if we dislike Duke and share links that show what reprehensible fans they have (oh, and post a picture mocking perhaps their dirtiest player) that means we're "jealous"?

No, sir. Just... no. You're wrong. You don't get to tell US how we feel about something any more than we get to tell you how YOU feel about something.

As for your assertion that Duke is "much closer to Purdue (other than cost)" well, I don't know. Duke is private. Purdue is public. Duke has 6400 undergrads. Purdue has 37000. Sounds pretty similar so far....

HWPixHend said...

I have my opinion (and I gave you the reasons behind it) and you have yours. I have no problem with yours, though I think it's wrong. Why does mine bother you so?

BTW, do you live in NC? If you don't I would think I just might have a better idea on the schools down here. UNC fans/grads, like I already said, are like IU fans/grads back home, Duke fans/grads are much more like Purdue’s. Don't take my word for it, come on down and check it out.

I made references to the differences between Purdue and Duke and pointed out that Clemson is closer to Purdue than Duke, but, IMO, it was a no brainer when we moved here on who to root for between UNC and Duke.

I just hate it that fellow Boilers have fallen for the low brow Duke hatred bandwagon. IN MY OPINION, it makes all Purdue alumni look bad when posts like this are made, so it bothers me.

J Money said...

And it bothers us when Purdue grads defend Duke and are like front-runners.

Let me ask this...we don't like Notre Dame or IU, either. Are we "jealous" of them, too? Or is disliking them acceptable? I want to know, since we'll be clearing all topics through you from now on.

HWPixHend said...

Try to show some Boiler class. You guys are a disgrace to the Purdue name. You can have the last "word". I'm done.