Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Russell Bellomy: A Study in College Football Recruiting and Human Nature

Bellomy Picks Michigan

If you were raised like me, you heard phrases like, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

If you've been to my house, it usually is, especially late in the summer. I take pretty good care of my lawn and my house. I put money into the upkeep, I put in time to work on things and keep them in good order. I even pay Terminix to keep bugs from getting too bad and a guy named Earl sprays my lawn so that weeds don't take it over.

But, I refuse to water the grass. Last August, we had a pretty horrible drought in Indiana...and my lawn was the color of Purdue's helmets...but without the sparkles and the shine. The grass was greener around me, and I think some of my neighbors were pretty pissed...but I didn't, and don't care. My lawn didn't die, it went dorment- that's A-OK with me.

It takes money to keep your lawn looking like a fairway. And if you don't have the money for a sprinkler system, the pain of moving a sprinkler around is infuriating, to me at least. I've got two little kids and a wife-they all need my time...and having a family costs money. So I decided my lawn isn't the utmost priority. I'm kinda pragmatic.

Like Russell Bellomy, I'd like to have a beautiful lawn. Unlike Bellomy, I've decided the costs to attain such a lawn aren't worth it for me.

The thing that's so tough about recruiting is that humans are generally fickle. Even more difficult, is generally, the younger the human, the more fickle. Bellomy had been a Purdue guy for months. On recruiting visits, much like Rob Henry a few years back, I heard he did some of the recruiting himself. But the lure of Michigan was too much for the young man out of Arlington, TX to turn down.

Make no mistake, this isn't another Roy Roundtree situation. Roundtree told Purdue coaches he was going to sign with Purdue the night before signing day. It sounds like Bellomy was honest with Purdue prior to his visit to AA (unlike Roundtree). But, like young love is fleeting, so are 'solid' verbal commitments. A prettier girl, a greener lawn, a better paying job (whatever analogy you'd like to use) has come along and Bellomy's going to pursue it.
Simply Irresistable

So you might now understand why we don't talk a ton about recruiting around here. We know it's happening, we're not ignoring it. We just don't want to get too emotionally tied to someone that might or might not ever get on campus...even then, you never know what's going to happen. Waaaaaaaaay back in November and December, Bellomy told Hope and Co. that he was solidly-committed to Purdue. He tweeted the same thing yesterday, this time to UM and Hoke. Good thing for UM that signing day is less than 7 days away, I guess.

Afterall, there's always a better lawn someplace in the neighborhood.


Ben C said...

I bet the nine people who said Bellomy would be the starting QB next year feel pretty silly right about now.

dozer8589 said...

I'll give you three good reasons why Russell bailed:


He wasn't seeing the field until about 2013.

On an up note, we picked up a sweet return specialist in Mostert last weekend.

boilerdowd said...

I like Mostert...If he's as fast as his press release says, he could be as effective as Bryant on kickoff returns. I'm always skeptical about numbers- gotta see himin person.

UM doesn't have a ton of QBs right now. But I'd argue that Purdue doesn't really.

A guy with one year of eligibility coming off a second big injury, a guy who has never seen significant PT and has academic woes and two young guys- both of whom have work to do...but have potential. I think a fighter, if he really wanted to be in W. LaLa would have said, "lets compete!"

Not the case for Bellomy.

Purdue Matt said...

Great picture, great caption, great post. Well done.

dozer8589 said...

But every one of those QB's has Big Ten game experience, and has run the Purdue offense. Bellomy is still an unknown quantity - studs in high school often disappear in college.

I'm most interested in seeing what Henry or Robinson can do with a healthy, full backfield and a full off season of fine tuning.

(I know, I know, it's basketball season, but there's always time for football chatter.)

Boiler_Ditsor said...

As late as the 18th of this month, Bellomy was posting on his Facebook page about being excited about the new Pro Combat uniforms he will be wearing at Purdue.

boilerdowd said...

I know BD...seems odd, doesn't it?

Dozer- you're correct...but this HS stud was important for the coming seasons. If Purdue has its standard 50 ACL tears, he was going to be used at QB...and RB...and kicker...and...

boilerdowd said...

Thanks Matt.

boilerdowd said...

In case you never saw it, here's what BD is referring to:

Take note of the Boilers-to-be commenting on the page.

BoilerUpAT said...

He still has to play against us.

Row Boilers said...

Don't ever get in the watering your lawn club, you have chosen wisely.

zlionsfan said...

I have the same approach to watering (or rather, not watering) my lawn. I also do the things to make sure I grow grass and not other species (and I'm sure the HOA would send me letters if I did otherwise), but I don't water it.

No matter how dry the dry season gets, the grass always comes back. I can get up early or come home right after work and do the sprinkler dance, and the grass will come back. Not that big of a deal. (Actually, I'd probably water the grass if I had some kind of cool rain-catching system to take advantage of the water months, something more elaborate and bigger than a simple barrel ...)