Friday, January 28, 2011

Wrapping up the Week & Power Rankings

Power Rankings

1. aOSU- These frightening monsters left any doubt of who is the league's best this week...and made me very sad in the process.

2. Wisconsin- By default, they earn the second-place standing this week.

3. Minnesota- Without Nolen, when they visit Mackey this Saturday, I expect them to be exposed like J Money at his favorite watering hole after too many apple-tinis. Until then, they have a nice view of much of the league below them.

4. Purdue- I don't really think Purdue belongs down here...but there's gotta be some repercussions for the performance (or lack thereof) in Columbus this week.

5. Penn State- Ya know, it'd be nice if they could help us out a bit and knock of Wisconsin as they've done to nearly everyone else atop the league. Make it so, oh wise one, Coach DeChellis!!

6. Michigan State- What happened last night in East Lansing is nearly-unexplainable...but as our pal Travis said, this team is in shambles right now.

7. Northwestern- They're officially back in the running for keeping their astounding post-season streak alive...the next two games will probably be losses for those clad in purple.

8. Michigan- Their big win over in-state rival, Sparty, removed them out of the dark, self-imposed dungeon in which they had been placed.

9. Indiana- I'll get into what I think about them in more detail in a moment...but the bottom of the conference is simply deplorable...and they're chairman of the board of that group's weekly meetings.

10. Iowa- They have a very good opportunity to take another step forward and knock Michigan back down in their next contest.

11. Illinois- Seriously, Coach Weber? All that talent...all those upper-classmen and you can't muster more than 17 in a half versus a team that allowed both Iowa and Northwestern to score 90 (+) points?? On top of that, those new unis stink.

Storming The Court Goodness in Bloomington
If you watched the IU v. Illinois game last night like me, especially the second half...I'm sorry! Yikes, was that bad basketball. I'd love (not really) to tell IU fans that their stout defense led Illinois to score so few points in the second half, but even they know that's not the case. IU's defense is horrible. They didn't figure out how to play it just because the Forehead gave a good half time speech. Illinois played their second half like Purdue played v. Minny in the BTT last spring. They have no one to blame but themselves. The Illini have gone from close to the top of the league to sinking to the cellar in just over two weeks.

There are too many Seniors, too many shooters and too much surrounding talent for them to be in the situation they're in. But, they are as soft in the middle as a tasty Devil Dog, and that's not going to change.

If you listened to the Handsome Hour this week, you heard me rant about how IU is making no progress. Well, after last night's game, the students rushed the floor, the Forehead hugged his wife and kids as if he had just won an Oscar, and the announcers acted as if my Savior had returned the court at Ass. Hall. Friends, last night's game changes nothing.
Shut up, and just kiss me.

Beating an over-rated team and storming the court only solidifies the idea that's entrenched within my skull- IU is not good, the heritage of national championships past isn't even a memory, it's folklore (you can study that in Bloomington, by the way) and Tom Crean can't win unless he has a guy with the last name of 'Wade' on his team.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I introduce exhibit A:

Holy Crap.


BoilerWhat said...

I don't typically reply, but enjoy the blog. I just want to show my appreciation of the fact that Bruce Weber did not end up coaching at Purdue. If I were being recruited by U of I, I'd cut ties after watching them blow chunks last night. Coach 'em up Bruce an thanks for swinging any recruits our direction.

Chad said...

6-37. That's something!

Benjamin said...

The Illinois IU game was one of the most compelling games of the year - for all the wrong reasons.

We saw the final nail put in Weber's coffin, unless he somehow pries it loose in the NCAAs with a run to the elite 8. Their fans are not happy, because they've seen that kind of performance before, and it's clearly a reflection of a team that cares not for a thing their coach tells them - and what he tells them may not be much...

We also saw the most embarrassing post-game celebration in recent memory. IU is officially the 'Biggest Loser' of the college basketball world. Sure, you lost 100 lbs, but you used to weigh 400 - the crying and jumping up and down just accentuates how bad it's gotten...

Don't even get me started on Crean's Messiah moment in the lobby there. Hadn't seen that yet, but it is scary, funny, awkward, and wierd all at the same time. Is there something funny in the water at Ass Hall?

4thandshort said...

Were they giving out O'Charley mini basketballs again?

IceT said...

"IU's top ranked folklore institute"

Really?! You've got to be kidding right? I always knew iu had some pretty weak standards but this is too much. I'm not sure what's more of a joke, their athletic department or their academic department. Thank God I moved out of that state. I'd be so pissed if my tax dollars were funding that garbage

Shawn said...

After watching the video (on mute) I had major flashbacks of Dwight's speech as salesman of the year. Literally the highest honor that a Northeastern Pennsylvania-based mid-sized paper company regional salesman can attain...