Thursday, January 27, 2011

BS Wit Featured In The Exponent

As loyal reader Paul points out, we've now made the big time, as Boiled Sports was featured as the Tweet of the Day in Purdue's student newspaper, The Exponent.

Sure, out of nearly 11,000 tweets, they elected to choose one where we made fun of the Alka-Selzer commercial with the most poorly-cast karate master ever. But hey, being famous means we don't get to choose.


Joe said...

haha pretty sweet... on side note, I looked at football recruiting classes last 3 years including the upcoming on and only count 2 O-linemen... is this scary to anyone else? I figured this would have been Hope's strongest position for recruiting.

BoilerPaulie said...

See, this is what I do when I get to school two hours early because my wife has class - I hang out in the ARMS basement and I read the Exponent. It's merely an escape from the homework I -should- be doing.

I did a double-take when I saw they were quoting BS for the tweet of the day. Immediately took my phone out and sent in the picture since you never would have seen it. You've now shared the same space as the likes of Ochocinco, Lebron James, and uh,.. probably some other mildly important athletes.

Plang said...

Joe - I started asking that same questions last spring. I'm not sure what he is going to do with a bunch of walk-on lineman.

DavidS said...

Okay I know this comment doesn't go with the tweet of the day post, but felt it was necessary that this was shared. I watched the end of the IU/Illinois game last night and obviously IU won. The funny/disturbing thing is what happened immediately following the end of the game. This wasn't against #1 or even a top ten school. It was #21 in the nation who already had 3 losses in the conference. Crean went directly behind the bench over the where his family was sitting and shared a few second embrace with his family before going to shake hands with Bruce Weber. Do you even do that when you win a national championship? Secondly, the students rush the court...against #21. For a school with so much tradition and all those "banners on the wall", this is just plain embarrassing.

BoilerPaulie said...

I actually have no issue with him sharing a brief (and it was very brief) moment with his family. It's obvious they are important to him. Credit the man for having the presence of mind to hug his wife and kids quickly to acknowledge what they do for him - they are his most loyal fans out of anyone, and for good reason. (Joke all you want about that, but the fact is, your family should be your biggest fan no matter who you are) He got back quickly to shake hands with Weber and he took care of business. I think he handled it well. Better to share a brief moment with your family in the ACTUAL moment than to ho-hum through the postgame interviews and hullaballoo then finally get to acknowledge your family for the first time an hour later. What would you rather do?

The students... they're different. And as much as I like to make fun of the Clapping Clown, I think he demonstrated a bit of class how he handled the victory last night.

DavidS said...

I realize that family is important. I definitely would not be in the position I am today without my family. However, this is a professional setting, and I think it is disrespectful not to shake the other coach's hand first. If he shakes hands and then goes directly over to his family, it is only 30 seconds later, and I think that counts as still in the actual moment. Would Crean let each of his players go find their parents and hug them before they shake hands? I think not. Why should he be any different. The question shouldn't be "what would you rather do?", but "what should you do?". In my opinion, it is show respect to your opponent and shake hands first.

Regardless of your opinion, the gesture actually shows how much Crean himself thinks beating the #21 team in the nation at home is, and really how far the program has fallen...

boilerdowd said...

David you can't fall from the basement.

Nate said...

And then THIS happened. How far they've fallen...

DavidS said...

Wow...I don't even know what to say to that video.

I'm trying to think back to when we beat Wisconsin when JJ, E'Twaun, and Rob were freshmen. I know they were ranked #10 or 11 and we were unranked. I was a student then, and I know we rushed the court. I guess that situation isn't drastically different than last night in Bloomington. However, I don't recall Painter convulsing in the lobby after the game. Penn State had court rushings this year after beating MSU and Illinois, and while I thought they were unwarranted, felt they were more justified than IU's last night. Is it just because of my inner hatred towards IU, or because they mention how awesome they are because they have 20+ year old banners hanging in their gym but still rush the court after beating #21? I don't know.

boilerdowd said...

Nate, thanks very much....I just added that to today's post.