Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Boilers Get On Wisconsin; Refuse To Get Off

Jon Leuer anxiously hopes the Boilers don't grab the wrong one.

Purdue did what they're "supposed" to do in order to make analysts happy and beat a quality team, the tenth-ranked Badgers, 70-62 in Mackey tonight. Of course, some will minimize the impact of the win because:

A) It happened on Purdue's home court.
B) Wisconsin suffered a letdown after beating OSU.
C) Analysts are wankers.

Make no mistake, tonight's win was a big one, and is yet another sign that this team is coming together. They still have their moments where they slip or make some poor decisions on shot selection, but by and large they're good enough to overcome those lapses. Wisconsin is a solid opponent and one who just beat the #1 (and undefeated) team in the nation a few days ago.

However, Purdue quite simply owns Wisconsin in Mackey, as the Badghuhs are now 2-37 all time in our favorite gym. JJ and E'Twaun wind up 6-2 against Wisconsin, including 4-0 at Mackey.

I'd have to find a literate Wisconsin fan to find out if this is true or not, but I get the sense that Bo Ryan does not have confidence coming into West Lafayette. He seemed far less animated than usual, his pregame interview seemed very much of the opinion that they'd need a lot of breaks to beat Purdue, etc. Is it possible Matty, the evil genius, is in the Grinch's head?

I have a special dark place in my heart for Wisconsin fans, mainly because they're among the most obnoxious I've ever come across in any sport at any level. They're kind of a dark horse in that category, much like their football and basketball teams often are. You don't think of them immediately -- unless you've dealt with them a bunch. And I know I'm not alone in this. Many people I've talked to agree that Wisky fans are among the toughest to deal with. So I guess what I'm saying is that I always enjoy it a bit more when Purdue puts a boot on Wisconsin's throat.

Clean play!
As for tonight's game, Wisconsin employed their usual goonish tactics, clutching and grabbing like Boilerdowd at a spring formal in 1995. The officials were once again awful, sometimes calling fouls tightly while other times allowing guys to scrambling over one another after loose balls like an on-sides kick in the fall (in that other sport).

This was also the first time this season that anyone broke 70 points on Wisconsin. Pretty impressive, both that they're managed that and that Purdue accomplished it while being tackled. It also illustrates why Bo Ryan's teams win. When you lock teams down in the 50s and 60s, you always have a chance. And as B-Dowd said on the Handsome Hour last week, the old Wisconsin formula of good point guard play plus a bunch of goons leads to wins in the Big Ten, year after year.

Bret Bielema likes the form on that tackle!
As we continue to wind down the careers of JJ and Smooge (hard as that is to believe), the boys continue to play well and lead. JaJuan continues to put up numbers and efforts worthy of Big Ten player of the year status, and honestly of national player of the year consideration. Tonight was yet another outstanding effort, with 20 points, 10 rebounds, 4 blocks and two steals. Oh, hey, did you know he leads the conference in blocked shots? No? Oh, maybe because nobody says it. The guy is a complete player and knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers like Seth Davis need to watch more than three-year-old game tape, or whatever he bases his worthless opinions on. Yes, I'm pissed. JaJuan is putting up an incredible season and he's leading this team in ways a guy who goes on to the next level should.

Whenever Purdue needed a rebound, he got it. Whenever a bucket was needed, as in so many other games this year, there was JJ, either knocking it down or cleaning up the glass and laying in a needed basket.

Smooge got in on the act, too, scoring 19, with none more critical than his late three to put the Boilers back up 7 after Wisconsin had closed a 13 point gap to 4. I had hoped the seniors would come through in those final minutes and they did.

Another guy who came through yet again was the man Gus Johnson was calling "Little Louie," which, sorry Gus, we do not approve of. He's LewJack. Get used to it. He'll be perhaps the best PG in the Big Ten next year. Lew scored 18 tonight, including layups over guys a foot taller, a big three, and five assists...with zero turnovers. One of the dimes was a no-look to E'Twaun who hammered down a dunk over one of the Wisconsin farm boys in his path. Hammer down, indeed.

So tell me, doubters... where will the points come from? How will they get by with only two senior leaders who will be all-Big Ten? Who will step up to put in points when needed? You know, other than LewJack, Ryne, DJ, Terone, Hart....besides all them. WHO?? Oh, right.

One thing I did not like tonight was, again, Purdue's inability to fire the kill shot. I thought when they had a ten point lead at 48-38 and there was a timeout....and then immediately after the TO, the Boilers hit a three to go up 13, that was it. It was a little over ten minutes to go in the game and it looked over at 51-38. However, Wisconsin has shown many times that they're not concerned with being able to come back, and they did their thing, whittling it down to four points. Fortunately, though, the honkeys weren't able to hit the big shots in the end, with that doof Bruesewitz firing away. Sure, he hit a big one against OSU, but he's 15 of 43 on the year from behind the arc. Keep firing away, pal. I especially like the ones that make the rim reverberate so loudly we can hear it over the crowd.

In the end, the Boilers withstood the comeback and, really, there is no shame in having the #10 team in the nation give you a game. The truth is, the Boilers took the lead early in the first half and never gave it back. And hey, let's be honest, there are some teams in the Big Ten whose students would riot on campus if they beat the #10 team in the country. For the Boilers, it was simply a win they had to have as they continued their slow march towards...well..March.

So often, teams get caught looking ahead. It would have been very easy to be thinking about the rematch with Ohio State on Sunday. But this team is focused and that remains one of Coach Matty's strengths -- keeping their minds on the task at hand. I like that trait in a team.

The Boilers are now two games behind Ohio State with five games to go. The Bucks come to Mackey on Sunday, for Smooge and JJ's second-to-last home game.

It's time to play hard.


BoilerPaulie said...

I had the pleasure of running into boilerdowd and his dad before the game. We commented to each other that this could be the beginning of a very exciting couple of weeks, depending on how tonight went.

All I can really say at this point is, that was one heck of a start. Let's keep it up!

Unknown said...

1.) Seth Davis is a dick with ears.
2.) I hate Bo Ryan. He's a whiner. He should be Big Ten Coach of The Year.
3.) When we don't set up our offense properly, we don't rebound well. Maybe I am a dick with ears, too, but until tonite I never connected the two. Has anybody else?

Anonymous said...

When I went to Purdue in the early '90s, I never really got jazzed about playing Wisconsin. Once I graduated and started to meet Whiskey alums, I began an ever growing dislike of them. The fact that Whiskey fans recently gave Sullinger a saliva bath just proves how repulsive they are. Great win! One more at the BT tourney would be awesome.

Unknown said...

BTW - Sunday must be DEAFENING at Mackey. When I was at Mackey in the late 70's/early 80's I actually fainted from lack of oxygen from screaming.

I expect the same lack of control from the paint crew. Sacrifice your oxygen, because O$U does the same with its integrity.

boilerdowd said...

John, I'll yell until I'm light-headed...actually did that a few times tonight. The crowd is important- ref. Craft's face v. Wisconsin and his face v. Purdue in Columbus.

Paul, great running into you- did you sign get you on TV? My Dad said he asked your wife how we knew eachother- she said "I have no idea."

Don't keep me a hurts. Maybe we'll see eachother again on Sunday- I'm looking forward to the game already.

BoilerPaulie said...

I also thought we had a very pleasing number of airballs and shot clock violations forced against the nation's #1-ranked offensive efficiency contingent.

It was quite entertaining being part of the paint crew with all those shots sailing past the rim not coming anywhere close.

boilerbeck said...

Great game!! In prep for this game today, I was looking at season statistics for both teams and I made an observation. JJ and Smooge make up 52% of this teams scoring, and you know all of the garbage we hear from the media about our lack of a third scorer, etc. Well, guess how much of Wisky's scoring Taylor and Leuer make up? Yep, 52%, but have you ever heard any crap about them being in a bad position for having two big scorers? Just an observation that annoyed me today....

ATL_Boilers said...

What a great way to start this week, I was as little worried about the guys looking ahead. My buddy (who isn't a Purdue fan) commented on how loud Mackey sounded multpile time during the broadcast. It is nice that the crowd (and not just the Paint Crew) is getting into the games.

Boxercr, you must live in Wisconsin because that is the only place I've ever run into an alum... it doesn't seem that they get too far from the farm.

...and Seth Davis sucks

4thandshort said...

Wisconsin is my second most hated school in the Big Ten. I think their fans are the worst in the Big Ten. I can understand their passion and their places are always really loud but it's a different culture up there. It's like they love the fact that their d****.

Now next lets beat my mosted hated school in the Big Ten!

Justin said...

someone needs to send Seth Davis a clip of the "not very athletic Moore" dunking on Leuer.

Thanks for this blog. I haven't been reading it for too long but it has given me many laughs.

It's true that we never hear that JJ leads the conf. in blocks. I was thinking that myself. Did you know that he is shooting nearly 90% FT's in conf. play? That is amazing.

I love LewJack's rainbow J when it splashes the net. That is a thing of beauty along with his 9.9 degree of difficulty layups he continually finishes now.

I love this team! I'm confident we can take down the buckeyes sunday. I'm rooting for ND to lose this weekend at WVU. We need to sneak up on a #2 seed.

COD said...

In Purdue's defense, immediately after we went up by 13 the refs called 4 fouls on LewJack in about a 3 minute period, 1 of which might have been a legitimate foul. Between all the foul shots and the break in momentum from the stoppage of play, it's not surprising that Wisconsin crawled back into the game.

Ben C said...

One thing that was absent from your commentary was the player absent from the game: Keaton Nankivil. So nice to see him have a normal game against us.

DavidS said...

As Justin mentioned, I don't understand how the "small and not very athletic" E'Twaun Moore threw down one of the sickest dunks we have seen this year.

boilerdowd said...

Ben- Great point- Nankivil usually plays like a combination of Dwight Howard and Michael Jordan v. was pretty refreshing to not see him making it rain.

David, Justin and others- clearly you need to recognize that 33 is too small, too unathletic to make plays...what we saw in the second half yesterday was due to the fact that Wisconsin isn't good enough defensively...I guess.

The clowns in the media see what they wanna see- they don't want to, nor have ever really wanted to consider Moore as an elite player. I'd venture a guess that his competition disagrees.

Justin said...

This is some refreshing input from Jay Bilas today on his blog. E'twaun made this list of "most respected players" in the country. Here is what it said about him:

Not only is Moore one of the best scorers in the Big Ten, he is also one of the league's best individual defenders. He has been among the most underrated players in the nation over the years, primarily because he keeps his mouth shut and goes to work every day. Moore is productive and has been a star on the floor, but he does not carry himself as a star among his teammates and classmates. He has empathy for others and leads by his great example. They don't make them like Moore very often.

zlionsfan said...

Agreed about the officiating: I think that you could have the exact same play happen four times in a game (twice for each team, once in each half), and it would be called four different ways. (Oh yes, there are always at least four calls to make. This is the Big Ten. We don't use just any old refs ... actually, yes we do.)

But I don't think that's the primary cause for letting teams back in games sometimes ... the offense tends to stall from time to time, and I'm not sure why. I don't know if there's something about execution that changes when they think they can put a team away that "early" (obviously they can do it in the final minute or two), or if it's just a coincidence that shots just don't fall and defense just isn't quite there at the same time. Either way, it was nice to see Purdue keep the lead and knock Wisconsin back to 3rd.

JJ shooting almost 82% from the line is huge. That's one thing that helps put games away, when your big man is someone you absolutely want on the line. I do wonder why we don't hear more about his blocks (as near as I can tell, he's 10th in the country among power-conference players ... important because sure, you can drop a tree into the Sun Belt and he'll get 3 per game), but maybe some of that is that he's playing exactly as smart people expected he would this year.

Not that it matters how much attention he gets individually (although it'd be nice to see, he certainly deserves it). If his team is still playing when 300-some teams are not, they'll all get the attention they deserve.

Side note: is anyone else glad that Purdue made what's so far been a really, really good coaching hire? After all, it wasn't out of the question that Weber would have been the one to follow Keady ... and while he had a couple of pretty good seasons right after Self left, right now things don't look nearly as good for Illinois.

Chad said...

That was quite possibly the most physically exhausting game I've ever watched! I remember about 11 minutes left in the game I had to sick down and stop screaming for a while as I got light-headed and my head started to pound! Maybe Sunday I will eat more than a hot dog before the game....

Unknown said...

First, Colonel Gustard's new nickname for LewJack doesn't fly for me.

Second, LewJack's post-game comments regarding E'twan finally finishing a dunk were priceless. He stated (for those of you who didn't see it) that E'twan tries to dunk during practice, but usually gets stuffed.

DavidS said...

I thought Lew said that E'Twaun does that type of dunk in practice all the time so it was nice to see him do it in a game. Maybe I misheard.

Justin said...

I'm really starting to hate this bitch, Dana O'Neil. She continually ranks Purdue below the other 15 analysts in ESPN's power rankings. This week with results through yesterday's games she has us 13th.

BoilerPaulie said...

B-dowd, haha- sorry I just now saw your comment - ours apparently crossed the interwebs last night at roughly the same time and I missed seeing it.

Sorry the wife doesn't know who you are.. I'm working on it! She's still new to Purdue, having transferred last fall after we got married and I'm really the only one who reads any Purdue blogs.

Yeah the sign did get me on TV right after the clock hit 0's going into halftime following Painter's quick interview.. but I didn't have the sign all the way up at the time because my wife was asking me a question so I was leaning over to hear. Oh well. haha. Phone still lit up all during halftime with constant text messages.

I won't be at the game on Sunday since I'll be at church but I'll be catching it on DVR later that afternoon once I get home. The Sunday games are the only home games I don't absolutely refuse to miss for any reason. Oh well. We'll catch you around again sometime I'm sure. I've still got a couple years left here before I'm forced to enter the workforce.

Andrew said...

Interesting comment from Pat Forde in his 30 minute discussion yesterday.

"Jackson (West Lafayette, IN)

I expect Purdue to win on Sunday. What are your thoughts?

Pat Forde (1:44 PM)

Jackson: I don't see it. Not after watching Ohio State demolish the Boilers in Columbus. Big turnarounds happen (see Kansas vs. K State), but they're the exception more than the rule."

Here is the link to the site.

Georiga Boiler said...

I know I am probably going to ge eaten up for this, but I think the students rushing the floor was weak. Come on, we just beat the #10 team, and we are ranked #11! If we beat the #1 or #2 team I could see it, but not a team that was ranked 1 spot above you. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Paint crew, I just thought we had higher standards than some other schools....that may have cream and crimson as their colors.

Georiga Boiler said...

I didn't see them rush the court on TV, but saw a clip on Hammer and rails. Did they rush the court?

Chad said...

In case you watched the clip on Hammer and Rails and didn't read the title of the clip, that was from the game on January 26, 2008. The students did not rush the court on Wednesday....

Georiga Boiler said...

Cool, I feel better now. Good job Paint Crew!

Georiga Boiler said...

I should have known better to question the intelligance of Purdue students! :)

JonS said...

Speaking of the Paint Crew, the kids get some nice recognition in a recent article from Sporting News' Mike DeCourcy:

It's nice to see someone else noticing what we already know. Keep up the good work!

DavidS said...

Holy crap Seth Davis actually picked us to upset aOSU on Sunday:

Although he was wrong about LewJack's season high in the write-up, it is nice to see him take the blinders off for a minute.

DavidS said...

Sorry the whole link didn't copy. Here it is:

BoilerPaulie said...

Jon, nice find! I liked this quote about the Paint Crew: "They’re loud. They’re clean. They make a difference for their team. And there are so doggone many of them."

Seth Davis couldn't be more right: "Then again, nobody ever accused me of being a paragon of sanity."

Boiler up!!