Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Class of '13 Dominos Falling...

Basil Smotherman became the third big timer to verbal to Matty in the now loaded class of 2013. Smotherman is the son of his HS coach at Indianapolis Heritage Christian...never a bad thing to have a coach's son on board- those guys are notoriously heady and hard-working.

You might say that this class is starting to look like that of '07...I'd counter by saying this one is even more talented, at least at this point in their careers. Let's remember JJ was still a largely-unknown commodity and Hummel's game was not as widely known. Plus, those guys weren't Sophomore verbals. They all came much later in the game.

We've said it before, you shouldn't get too excited about a verbal from kids that are barely driving...or not driving yet. But, Scott, Stephens and Smotherman all seem like they just want to be Boilers. Because things tend to happen this way, I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear about a fourth verbal in the coming weeks...that would complete the class...that's quite a contrast from the struggle of '11.

So far, Purdue has 3 top-50 recruits for that class and Smotherman is 26th on their chart. Could we see the first McD AA for Purdue in a long time come from this class? It could happen, but let's also remember that these guys are probably not full-grown yet, so the next two years can change things quite a bit.


John Voliva said...

From that reel... reminds me a lot of JJ.

H. Jones said...
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H. Jones said...


boilerdowd said...

He absolutely was, was Mike Robinson...I just edited my post too quickly.

Mea culpa.

DavidS said...

Word is there is one more scholly to give for this class. Any ideas on who it will be? Anyone know where Purdue stands with Alex Foster? If they could land him the class would be just sick.

Georiga Boiler said...

DavidS, I completely agree. I would love a big man to complete this class. Alex Foster would be awesome.

DavidS said...

Yeah according to ESPN's rankings (for what they're worth), we would have the #26th, 28th, 41st, and 47th ranked players nationally, which would in include a PG, SG, SF, and PF. That would almost assuredly be a top 5 class that, as B-dowd said, may be even better than the '07 class. That class had #'s 20, 41, 61, and 72.

Michael R. said...

As with all promo videos...I ask the same question all these videos never answer.

Can he play defense.

H. Jones said...


Do you think Smotherman (awesome last name btw)... would even consider playing for Purdue if he didn't want to play defense?

Boiler_Ditsor said...

What ever happened to Gary Harris? Did he come out and say that he didn't want to play for Purdue or what?

Unknown said...

Painter can't recruit - don't you guys read the Indianapolis Star?