Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ha-Ha-Ha-Handsome!! Post-IU Handsomeness 2/24

Oh, handsome young men talking about sports. What could be better?

They talk about the mythological power of banners...
And they look deep into the future...


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BoilerPaulie said...

Just listened to the podcast. Initial thoughts... J, Regarding your predictions for Wisky, OSU, IU - if it means you're wrong all the time, I'm okay with you continuing to predict Purdue losses. Way to take one for the team, brother.

J Money said...

Well, I only thought they'd lose one of them... I don't think that's exactly crazy talk, right? Did you think all three were slam dunk wins?

Unknown said...

It's so weird to see a pic of Jason & deMarco on a sports blog!