Thursday, February 24, 2011

Purdue Matches Feat Accomplished By NU and Iowa; Sweeps IU

The Boilers took yet another step tonight, demonstrating how focused and prepared they are able to be following the biggest win of the season. Purdue allowed no semblance of a letdown tonight, taking care of business at the lovely Ass Hall and winning by 11, 72-61.

This is the kind of game that would trip up many teams, including many Purdue teams over the years. For as much as we mock it, playing in Bloomington is not easy for Purdue and the record shows it. However, tonight the Boilers won even more easily than last year in B-town. I'm sure it's all part of Crean's master plan, though.

Nobody had an amazing night, but that's been part of the beauty of this team. It's not necessary for that to happen. Everybody pitches in and they get the job done, play strong defense and you look up and it's 72-58 before a meaningless three makes it look slightly closer. And if the Boilers hit more than 58% of their free throws, it would have been over even sooner. As it was it was a ten point halftime lead which, let's be honest, IU isn't overcoming against the Boilers.

JJ had a solid 20 and 9 tonight, despite getting into foul trouble for one of the few times this year. (And also being guarded some of the night by the always formidable Tom Pritchard.) Smooge followed up his career night against OSU with just 17 points, but he did have five assists and six rebounds. So a much more solid game than you might think at first glance.

Terone Johnson his three big threes in the first half that stymied IU rallies and DJ Byrd came to play as well, hitting three of seven from trey land and finishing with 11 points. Lew had his now-typically solid game also, scoring 8 points, dishing six assists, grabbing four boards and getting two steals. The guy puts up top notch efforts almost every night now and he's still got his senior season ahead of him. Almost makes you giddy about next year already, right?

Kelsey Barlow did not look afraid of the disjointed, possibly drunk, potentially stoned IU student section, which mustered a couple of unimaginative chants and then quickly grew tired of the work involved. They did manage to put together some profane chants and apparently even chanted "overrated" at E'Twaun Moore. Really?

5-1 in their careers vs IU.
Smooge and JJ seemed to get a little mad a few times, as the Hoosiers appeared to get the directive to make them pay for going to the basket. JJ was even fouled from behind on a wide-open dunk -- a stupid foul, to be sure. Smooge went in for a dunk at one point and was shoved to the floor where he landed fairly hard... but then bounced up looking pissed. We like these two when they're mad. So get mad and stay mad, fellas.

As we mentioned on the Handsome Hour tonight, we continue to be amazed at the amount of vitriol and smack talk coming from Hoosier fans via Twitter and other mediums. We keep hearing the wait till next year crap, the banner crap and the you're just jealous of us crap. And that last one might be the silliest of all. Let me clear something up....

You're a doormat, IU! A conference bottom-feeder! You're a joke! Other schools and fans actually laugh at IU. They look forward to playing IU because it's a sure win for good teams and a good potential for a win for marginal teams.... and bad teams! You lost at home to Northwestern....and Iowa! You have absolutely nothing to chirp at Purdue fans/alums about. Nothing. Your program is heading in the wrong direction.

Aw, cheer up Jeremiah. At least your 5-7 football team has the Bucket!
We will now resume ignoring IU basketball -- like the rest of the country -- and focus on the next test, yet another significant one. Winning at Breslin is never easy and for those who get pissy because of the whistle that blows at Purdue football games, well, give a listen to the Mack truck horn they blast at the Breslin Center. It makes me want to punch kittens.


BoilerPaulie said...

Only kittens?

CalTravelGuy said...

Ok, before we start ignoring IU... I have to get this off my chest. I like Gus Johnson. I think Gus Johnson has called some great college basketball games and he has had some signature lines. But tonight, he said welcome to the "Carnegie Hall of College Basketball" - Really, Gus? Almost the entire life of Ass Hall is a reflection of Bobby Knight and the IU administration and fan base that overlooked all that bad just to justify some good. Nobody respects IU the way that people respect Wooden, Coach K or even Dean Smith. But, then winning with class was never part of the IU agenda... which makes the Carnegie Hall comparison a joke. When I hear such nonsense like I heard from Gus Johnson tonight, it makes me sick. Andrew Carnegie was a great man and Carnegie Hall is one of our nation's most beloved homes for cultural events. Ass Hall? You might as well tow in a double wide at center court... that's the only thing culturally significant about that building. I bet there was a huge line at KFC and Dairy Queen after the game. IU fans are getting exactly what they deserve right now. The silence in that building for most of the night was GOLDEN. Pun intended.

Joe said...

It was miserably hard following the game on gamecast in the second half... SO MANY FOULS. Wasn't able to watch on tv, were all these fouls on both teams legit calls?!

I think Painter def. needs to be up for COY discussions. This team is starting to completely click at the right point in time.

BoilerWhat said...


Mark said...

The officiating was terrible...both ways. My wife said, are they even watching this game?

That being said: If Purdue hits their free throws and JJ gets fouls called, this game would've been 20 points.

IU only challenged once and that was a 4 pt. deficit.

Mark said...

What is up with the B1G officiating lately.

Early in the season, I thought the officiating was great, but here at the end, the refs have been TERRIBLE!

Justin said...

I think the caption for your photo should have said, "Aw, cheer up Jeramiah, at least you get to watch your more talented brother play at Duke".

@Joe, like Mark said the officiating was pretty bad. Quite a few travels weren't called that should have been on both teams. However, Jordy got away with a blatant travel one time and scored. The foul calling was inconsistent but probably fair to both teams in the end.

One thing that really pissed me off was when E'twaun was in the corner setting up for a three, some stupid IU fan/mop boy jumped out at him and stomped the floor and yelled about 5 feet away as he took the shot. I'm not even exaggerating. It may have been 3 feet away.

Gus really needs to stop with the Little Louie shit.

Chu Chu Muthas!

Andrew @ Lightning For Fools said...

Beating IU is always fun but starting next year it will be a lot more fun. The past few years every sensible IU fan has expected a loss at the hands of a superior Purdue squad. But, how sweet it will be to beat IU again next season. All I hear is how this is the last year IU will be down, and Zeller and co are bringing a title to IU. Well if the Boilers continue to sweep or even split the series, what will their excuse be then?

DavidS said...

Yeah E'Twaun's overrated ass scored 114 points in 6 games against your sorry squad, and went 5-1 in the process.

Also what was with Gus Johnson calling him ET? And then Shon Morris saying something about phoning home. That was awful.

IU sucks!

Plang said...


Can't agree with you more about the "Little Lewis Jackson" crap. Gus just kept blabbering on about that in the second half. Granted, LewJack was playing pretty well. When he did that pause-and-drive dribble that left two IU players out of their jockstraps, Gus just went off with a string of "look at Little Lewis Jackson! Little Louie! He's so tiny I could pick him up and put him on my lap and pet him like a kittne!"

Not cool.

DavidS said...

Tom Crean after the game: "We played hard and competed, but we weren't as smart as they were."

Yeah Tom, we know...your players go to IU.

Mar said...

What were some of the chants that they came up with last night.

Gametrax stunk it up last night. Lagging coupled with the officials happy whistle time, made it difficult to follow.

Boilergal said...

My favorite part of Gus Johnson's night was at the end of the game. He said "Well, you have to give IU credit, they played hard!" I loved that, that seems to be the only standard that IU basketball is held to anymore.

I absolutely cannot stand watching games that are at MSU. The horn is terrible and blows about 3 times for every substitution. More annoying to me is the fact that their band knows only one song- their fight song and it plays constantly. As long as we keep Summers in his slump and our focus and intensity on both ends of the court, I see no reason that we shouldn't win on Sunday.

Purdue Matt said...

Great Post.

I'm going to the Breslin Center on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing what that atmosphere is like.

Purdue Matt said...

I am not a fan of Gus Johnson. He is all about style over substance. I can't stand his manufactured excitement. I remember watching the BT tourney last year and he was getting names wrong and provided very little in the way of insight and knowledge.

Give me a subdued play by play guy and a knowledgeable analyst like Knight or Bilas.

The BTN and ESPN crews have been so awful lately I prefer to mute the TV and listen to the Cliz.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

The Boiler faithful had a strong presence scattered throughout the arena. With about a minute left in the game, Assembly Hall resonated with the Purdue fight song.

Oh yeah, E'twaun Moore is a guy that makes you proud. Such a great kid.

Purdue Matt said...


Agree about the horn at MSU. It is awful, makes me cringe every time.

Collin Fultz said...

I think the title of this post says it all. IU was swept by two teams with a combined 9-21 in conference play. Take away Iowa and NU's wins over IU and they are 5-21. They lost to Colorado, who is 6-7 in the Big 12. I don't see a W left on their schedule (@ O$U, vs Wisky, @ Ill) so there is the real chance they will tie with Iowa for last in the Big 10 with three conference wins.

Them winning this game would have been the same as their lame-o football team winning the bucket and IU selling shirts to commemorate it.

They are not a good team. Crean is not a good coach. Purdue is a good team. Painter is a good coach. IU beating Purdue would have been the high point of their season. Sweeping the Loosiers will be a footnote in the story of the 2010-2011 Boilermakers and hopefully be an expected occurrence under the guidance of Matty Painter.

Boiler up.

Georiga Boiler said...


I so glad someone else noticed the fans almost tacklig Smooge when he shot that 3 in the corner. The fans at IU have gone down hill ever since Bobby left, and have got 10 times worse sinc Crean took over. The fact that they allow those idiotic faces to be brought in just exemplifies that. If Bobby was still there, there would be no faces and the two jack holes that came on to the court and yelled in Smooge's ear would have been tossed out. POTFH and I hope they remain non copetetive. Just icing on the cake.

4thandshort said...

Lets move on from the school down south. All the jokes aside I would rather read about Purdue than IU

IndEY said...

My favorite overrated/non-athletic sequence of the night:

* Watford posts up Smoodge, thinking he has a mismatch
* Smoodge swats Watfords weak attempt
* Fast break ensues
* Smoodge receives pass back and drains 3 from the wing

Anonymous said...

BS: Your wrong, they were chanting overrated at Tom Crean, not purdue players.....

...ok so maybe not :) ....but its the only thing that made sense

Scram4 said...
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Scram4 said...

my favorite part about that IndEY is that they pointed out that it was a mismatch and needed to get him the ball. Next thing you know is Smooge is swatting it leaving the announcers pretty much speechless

Unknown said...

Yeah, I thought Smooge could hear them and did it just to make a point.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

Just want you to know that the title of this post is awesome.