Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Something of Nothing: Grasping for Rivalry

IU fans, Purdue fans, let's get this out of the way: we've been grasping at straws for a while now.

Sure, the Paint Crew reminds us that "IU Sucks" quite often, which is true. And IU's student section has a few people on Twitter trying to drum up manufactured heat by whatever means necessary. Both sides really want these games to mattter again.

A group of IU's students have made Purdue's 6th man, Kelsey Barlow, the focus of their vitriol. They attempt to mock Purdue by saying "Banner up". Whatever. Much like Fred Glass and his Athletic Department's attempts to create new traditions for their football 'atmosphere', these weren't grown organically and are of little importance...or more importantly, these kids are trying to find something, anything to cheer for that has roots within the reality.

Kelsey Barlow gave the choke sign last season at IU after Verdell Jones missed a few free throws. I thought it was fellow BSer, J didn't like it. Neither of us thought it was the right thing to do...and neither did the true Freshman, Barlow, in hindsight. But what's done is done.

IU students can't get after Smooge or JJ...probably because they don't want those guys angry because the Hoosiers have no answer for either. Hell, they won't even go after LewJack for the same reason...but get six deep in the rotation- yeah, now you're talking. That's their target.
IU's ugliest cheerleader directs the fanbase

Much like Tom Crean, IU's students and fans can't wait until Purdue's Seniors are gone. Then, in their minds, things will change. This is classic loser speak. It's another way to say, "Wait until next year." That statement in itself is an admission of low-level play.

"Hey, we're not good. But, once you lose your best players, we'll be able to match up with you!"

Ooooh, burn.

Atop that, the clever IU fans have chosen to make fun of "Boiler Up!" by yelling, "Banner Up!" Now, I'm not a fan of the 'Boiler Up' chant simply because it's really a derivative of something from the University of Wyoming. Sure, it makes some sense when you put the phrase in the context of a locomotive building pressure to gain speed and steam...but that doesn't mean I like it. At this site, we generally stay away from that phrase. It could be because we were at Purdue before it existed. But, the phrase came into being a long, long time ago...especially through the prism of a college student's vantage point.

So, IU students are choosing to pile on a phrase that's been around for nearly 15 years...because they couldn't think of anything else before 2011 to combat it? Even worse, their comeback is more-ancient as it references relics from before their birth. But that's all they have. To quote ex-Hoosier player and coach Dan Dakich, "Is that all ya got, IU fans???" And it's a fair question...and we all know the answer:


Honestly, like many of you, I'm worried about this game. I don't like when a team has nothing to lose and they're coached by a certifiably crazy person. That's a volatile combo that can end poorly for the team that has won more conference games than can be counted on one hand.

Just like in the grander scheme, IU has no place to go but up. And no level-head Purdue fan can tell you that IU isn't going to get better...not with a straight face, anyway. IU fans tell me that the Hoosiers are getting better. Yet, with four games to play, they still haven't matched last season's massive total of 4 conference wins. They are indeed building something special down there, I guess.

The IU students, Notre Dame football fans, and backwards hilljacks with no attachment to the university are going to pour into Ass. Hall tonight, and will try to do their damned-est to will the Hoosiers to victory tonight against Purdue. But in the end, their efforts won't matter. Their squad has to do the work. And their nervous coach has to scheme those players into a position to win.

Cases in point- Mackey Arena is a tough place to play, just as the Kohl Center. But, those venues are tough for visitors because the teams are tough as nails to begin with...but are edified and empowered when backed legions of ravenous fans.

And until they can not only win, but win with some regularity, this is no rivalry. Rivalry is defined as "the act of competing." Competing is defines as "contending for athletic supremacy." By definition this is no rivalry.
Sure, when you look at it from the IU fans' perspective the last decade of the Oaken Bucket might be a rivalry...but at a 30% success rate? Come on. I think the rest of the world thinks a true rivalry is one in which you just don't know who is going to win. We haven't seen that in this state for a while.

I'm not guaranteeing a victory tonight, by the way. I think IU could win and I don't like a lot about this match-up. But, Matty's a better coach and his team has bought into what he's selling to the point that the sum of their parts are better, regardless of which Boilers are on the floor...And no manufactured anger toward Purdue's sixth man is going to change that.


Boilergal said...

I really hope that they get under KB's skin. I love it when he plays angry with a chip on his shoulder. That could lead to a career night.

Also, I am not a big fan of the Boiler Up cheer. However, I can't help but think that Banner Up will sound just like Boiler Up.

I am a little worried about this game, but hope I will be proven wrong. I hope they come out and completely kill IU. I hope they wipe that crooked look off of Hulls' face- what a little twerp. I hope whoever Hull is guarding blows by him, time and time again. I hope Crean needs to go kiss his wife after this game for sheer comfort from his most embarrassing loss to date.

I hate IU! IU sucks! Go Boilers!

SJD said...

I think "Banner Up" on TV will probably sound a lot like "Boiler Up." I hope it catches on, it's fitting.

Like The Walk, The Rock and their first down march, it would fit perfectly in their hall of fame of derivative traditions that they couldn't come up with on their own.

Go Boilers.

Choo Choo, muthas.

Mommatried said...

Seeing as we are hanging banners at a more frequent rate than IU...seems fitting that they give us our credit and honor the fact that we are indeed looking to put another banner up.

Collin Fultz said...

I loved the Barlow-choke. Give me a guy with some fire. Of course, I was also raised on basketball by watching Reggie at MSG vs. Spike. Show some life! We (fans) always complain when the players don't care as much as we do. Finally, one of the players seems to and we give him shut for it.

Yes, IU is lame. Their chants and cheers and videos are terrible and make me happy I chose to be a Boilermaker. Unfortunately, I don't get Big 10 Network up here in New Hampshire (that's a state other than Indiana for the IU fans reading the site) so hopefully I can find a radio feed.

Boiler Up.

Anonymous said...

Good post but I have to disagree. Rivalries like this go beyond competitive parody. Take a rivalry like Lakers/Celtics or Colts/Pats or even Mich/OSU and I agree. Growing up in Indy, Pacers/Knicks was huge but look what happened there. Nada. Without both teams being competitive, there is really nothing there. Being from Indy, I have a lot of close friends that root for or went to IU, as do many of the people who grew up here. Having someone to talk smack back and forth with is always good fuel for the fire. Granted, it would be a crap ton more exciting if both teams were on top of their game but I, for one, would love to see IU in the crapper for at least the next 10 years. We can build competitive rivalries with a great number of other Big Ten teams in the mean time. I don’t need IU to be competitive to hate them.

Purdue Matt said...

I like the Boiler Up chant. But I like it much better at football games with the train horn.

I didn't like the Barlow choke. Don't need to give your rival extra motivation and bulletin board material.

Boiler_Ditsor said...

I agree with 55eda1f2-3f7a-11e0-909d-000bcdcb2996 (great name by the way).

Let IU feed at the bottome for decades - I don't need them to be good to hate them. The hell with IU. I just do not see why any Purdue fan would want them to be good again.

blr1426 said...


You can't contend that something is not a rivalry by saying in one paragraph that it's not a rivalry unless you don't know who is going to win, and then in the very next paragraph say that you don't know who is going to win. You're arguing with yourself.

IU sucks.

IceT said...

What would you really expect from a school who copied both their football and basketball venues' names from another in-conference "rival"? I'm sure Illinois is beyond flattered for that.


SJD said...

blr- can they compete with Purdue straight up?

Does the team that should win always win games?

Does the team that deserves to win always win games?

Georiga Boiler said...

You know what I define as a rival, 2 teams and fan bases that hate each other. I think the banner up, if done poperly, will be hilarious. It just exemplifies how this match up is a rival. The fact the IU student body is getting under the Purdue fans skin by copying and making a parody of one of our chears only proves this is a rivalry. The fact that it gets under IU fans and student skin when the Paint Crew yells IU Sucks, especially when it's true, is hilrious as well. I am all for trash talking, banter, choke signs, throwng chairs, taunting, and maybe even a few drunken fist-a-cuffs etc when it comes to this game and this rivalry. I hate the Loosiers more than any other university, and I love the fact that their fans hate Purdue. Growing up in southern Indiana as a Purdue fan may have something to do with my thought process though! POTFH.

Go Boilers, crush the Hurrying Loosiers.

Patrick said...

Reading some comments on Purdue sports blogs, I like how IU fans are chiming in and throwing this year out to injury. That's why there hasn't been much progress this year.

I think they forget that two of our own have had the injury bug. John Hart and what his name? That's why we don't sympathize with them. We've been there, we've overcome. No bitching or whining. Just tough solid basketball.

Anyway, when the sh*t hits the fan after their anticipated 2012 "magical" season, we'll what excuses the fan base comes up with next.

4thandshort said...

From the south, I hear pitch forks being sharpened.

Plang said...

When speaking of rivals, I like to use a famous quote:

"Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women."
~Conan the Barbarian

Rivalries always have the little extra something when both teams are good, but I enjoy seeing IU down and hearing the lamentations of their students.

Unknown said...

I will quote a fan I walked by outside Allstate Arena before we beat Indiana in the tournament in 1998:

"F*ck 'em. Hard."

Justin said...

I love the choke sign. Anyway, what's the difference between that and trash talking between players on the court? That we, the fans and media see it. Oh no, a little extended trash talking with symbols caught by the TV camera. Big deal.

I'm done talking about IU...just ready for the game.

Did anyone else notice former Boiler recruit (who if I remember correctly didn't academically qualify), Jeff Robinson's performance for Xavier yesterday? He went 8-10 from the field and 6-7 FT's for 22 pts in 27 min. Also, former IU recruit who wisely changed his mind and now plays for Xavier, Tu Holloway was one rebound shy of his second straight triple double.