Friday, March 18, 2011

Boilers Pluck Peacocks. 65-43; Await Georgetown/VCU Winner

The Boilers rolled in their opening round game against St. Peter's, as we all knew they would. It's rare that Boilermaker fans get confident going into a tourney game, but this was one where the general feel was pretty damn positive.

I spoke to B-dowd before the game and I said my theory on Purdue's run was that tonight's game would be the most "fun" one for all of us as fans, while all remaining games from this point forward would be stressful.

It turned out to be exactly that way. During the week, I said on the podcast that Purdue was going to win big and needed to win big to get confidence back and to assert themselves, quite frankly. Winning by 22 points doesn't really allow the media to minimize your potential, for example, and that's a good thing. We like to see the Boilers respected.

Nevertheless, every time St. Peter's made a basket, the D-level broadcasting crew on TNT would try to suggest the Peacocks were "making a run." Never mind that no such run really ever occurred.

As for the game itself, sure, there are some things to discuss.

What I liked:

-- JJ grabbing 16 boards. Sure, SPC was small and not a good rebounding group, but Johnson simply snatched quite a few of those away from two or three 'cocks at a time. 

-- Lewis Jackson's game. Four of five from the floor, four of five from the line, 12 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals. His game was barely noted by the broadcasting team, who was too busy showing really uncomfortable hugs and caressing by SPC's coach and badass, 5-point-scorer Nick Leon. However, Eammon Brennan caught up with Lew after the win. Lew was on his game tonight and it was good to see, especially in light of Barlow's absence.

--On that note, I also liked Terone tonight. TJ looked very comfortable at the point tonight and it was actually terrific to see. He looked more comfortable, to me, than he's looked most of the season... and that's not to say he hasn't looked good this year. I'm just saying it's amazing what playing your natural position can do for a guy. Terone had eight points (including two treys), four dimes and two steals.

--Holding a team to 43 points. Kind of awesome.

What I didn't like:

--Purdue turning the ball over 16 timess, more than SPC....including seven by Smooge alone. Wow. I don't know if St. Peter's defense is that good or if Purdue had a sloppy night, or a little of both. Many times, things like this do indeed fall somewhere in the middle. Remember, the Peacocks were ranked very high defensively in college basketball and I guess it was at least partially deserved. It didn't stop a 22 point beatdown, but it did cause Purdue to turn the ball over a lot and to only score 65 points.

--Sloppyness. Some of it was SPC D, as mentioned, but there were other things that had nothing to do with the opposition. Sloppy passes, taking eyes off the ball, fumbling rebounds, etc. Yes, you can get away with this stuff now but we all know you need to buckle down. I'm inclined to not be real worried about any of this because it was the first game, plus it was a team Purdue was up big on most of the night. You do tend to lose your focus a bit when you're up 25, no matter how much you try not to.

-- Ryne Smith going 0-5 from the floor. Sure, he is coming off a concussion and, sure, a St. Peter's player braced himself on the back of Ryne's neck in order to block Smith and knock him to the floor...but hey, what does that matter?  Seriously, though, we're big fans and I hope Ryne is okay and that he gets back on track. We need you, Ryno.

Next up...

As I write this, VCU is taking the naughty paddle to Georgetown's collective hineys, so it looks like our Boilers will face the 11-seed VCU Rams, also of black and gold lineage. Game will be Sunday, time as yet to be determined.

One stop down, three to go until reaching our final destination of Houston. The ride begins to pick up speed now, so please hang on.

Choo-choo, muthas.


John Voliva said...

D level? You are being generous.

Put the TOs down to a normal level and it is a 30 win. Matty will have them working on beating the press tomorrow. Too many chances when they broke it that they didn't drive to the basket or throw it down to JJ.

Zach said...

Bwahahahahaha! I was screaming at the TV as the Peacock used Ryne's neck as a spring board to block his shot along with knocking him to the floor. And the best part was the commentators drooling over the magnificence of the block. Not a single one mentioned the potential foul there. Idiots.

Also I to found it hilarious that the commentators were trying to manufacture excitement. "O and St. Peter's is making a run! They are now down 17 instead of 20!!!!" Classic

Mommatried said...

Turnovers were a little frustrating...not taking it to the hole against the press is maddening but we were up 20 points and I'm sure they were instructed to use clock on each possession. Either way, throttling your opponent is a confidence builder- and I'd say we throttled but that game could have been by 30 or more.

BoilerPaulie said...

Quick note since I am just getting to my Chicago hotel after spending all day at the United Center...

Holding SPC to 43 points was, yes, kinda awesome, but we officially lead the ENTIRE 2011 tournament so far in two defensive statistics: 1st half points allowed (17) and total points allowed (43).

Also, mad props go to all the rest of the Big Ten for owning up to seeding and even making the underdog games interesting. Penn State and Michigan State lost yesterday, yes, but they were 10 seeds. The Big East was favored in nearly every matchup they got, and they have not delivered as expected so far. Guess we'll know even more after Sunday about what college basketball's greatest conference is this year...

Also on that note, B1G represented big time what real defense was today, for the most part. OSU allowed 46. Michigan allowed 45 (but that was really mostly Tennessee playing REALLY, REALLY poorly. and some good defence). We allowed 43.

Big Life. Big Stage. Big STUDS.

Pearly Sage said...

I did not like seeing several of those offensive situation cross-court lobs that were picked off by St. Peter's guards. Quicker, more talented opponents will make a lot of fast-break scores from such lackadaisical passing.

Terone was freekin' amazing last night. He's taken the mantle of makin' things go so much easier for Smooge and LewJack. Following one of his 3-pt drains, did you all see JJ's big tooth smile grin, saying to him, "GOOD SHOT!"

That made my heart glow.

zlionsfan said...

St. Peter's does have a really good defense, even adjusted for opponents ... although that's always up for debate; even with advanced metrics, you can't really be sure exactly how good a great defense in a weak conference is.

Thirteen straight first-round wins ... that's amazing, especially when you consider who's next-closest and who's not. (Maryland has 10: they haven't lost in the first round since 1997. North Carolina is third with 9.) Purdue's last first-round loss was 1993 ...

Anyway, it was a great performance. Purdue made quite a few mistakes (more than a few forced by good defense) and yet had the game in their hands the whole way. They can do the same thing against VCU tomorrow ... let's hope they play as well as they did yesterday.

Purdue Matt said...

I liked the broadcasting team. They were knowledgeable about Purdue and didn't ruin the game with manufactured excitement like Gus Johnson does.

Plang said...

Big 10 went 5-7 in the first "second" round. Even the Illini looked good! But really, unless a few teams make a deep run, not just O$U, then there will be no props from the media.

LewJack had one of the best moves to the basket to start the second half. There aren't going to be many guys that can stick on him. Also, we had good center play all the way around yesterday. That was great to see.

Unknown said...

Purdue sucks.