You know, sometimes you're just out stumbling around Youtube looking for misplaced porn that got through their sensors and you come upon a real gem. With all the talk about Roger Clemens being "dirty" as a result of his apparent performance-enhancing, this clip should really...well... it should at least make you stop thinking about steroids for a little while because you'll be too busy trying to figure out who thought this was a good idea.
I also like that he's not even necessarily getting the most camera time. Some nobody extras are equaling him.
So there you go. He's clean. Zestfully so.
This plus Conseco's belief that Rog is clean has convinced me.
Good lord, have Clemens' balls even dropped in this spot?
"sometimes you're just out stumbling around Youtube looking for misplaced porn that got through their sensors"
And sometimes that porn is man on man action which is the best kind of porn out there bar none hands down numero uno. Love the guy on guy stuff I found on YouTube, watch it while listening to my WHAM! greatest hits!
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